Don't Leave Me (Gin Ichimaru Fanfic)

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Not my first story but i deleted my other ones. (sorry) and i dont own bleach... yada yada

Gin Ichimaru's POV

I stared at the new lieutenant of the 3rd squad. She was a child prodigy. She stared at me with her wide eyes.

"Um.. Captian Ichimaru, where do I put these paperworks?" 

I snapped out my thoughts.

"Oh, right! Just uh.. put'em on my desk." Why was I acting like this? 

She walked past me, her whitish blue hair bobbing up and down. As she put the huge sack of paper down, she falls to her knees, grabbing her head and screaming."

Emona's POV

I walked to the 3rd Sqaud Captain's office. I was the new lieutenant. I felt proud at first. But then 11th Squad members started saying how kids shouldn't be here and tried dragging me away. But then they saw my badge and started saying how I stole a lieutenant's badge. I hated them. 

As I got close to the office, I wondered if my captain was a girl or guy. I hope it's a girl. I feel uncomfortable around guys. I knocked on the door. A happy voice answered. A guy...

"Who is it?"

"Um... Emona! I'm suppose to be the new lieutenant of the.. uh.. 3rd Squad."

"Come in!"

I opened the door and walked in. A pretty cute but creepy guy sat at  a desk. His eyes were closed and he has a huge (but creepy) grin. He's staring at me...

"Um.. Captian Ichimaru, where do I put these paperworks?"

"Oh, right! Just put'em on my desk." 

I walked past him and put them onto to his cluttered desk. Then all of a sudden, my head started hurting and my legs felt weak. I screamed and dropped to the floor. The last thing I saw was Captain Ichimaru rushing toward me, his smile gone.

Gin Ichimaru's POV

I paced back and forth my office worriedly. I'm alone, so my smile is gone and my eyes are open. Emona went to the relief room 2 hours ago. How come she still isn't ok yet? 

Captain Unohana told me to go get dinner and relax. But how? My hands ran through my hair in fustration. Why am I worried about a lieutenant? I just met her! She was actually really beautiful, not pretty, but beautiful. Like the stars in the sky. A hell butterfly flew in. 

"All captains please report to Squad 1 for an emergency meeting. I repeat, all captains please report to Squad 1 for an emergency meeting."



Gin Ichimaru's POV

When I walked into the Squad 1, I realized I was the first one. I sat against the wall thinking to myself. Will Emona be alright? I mean, she did look (and sound) like she was in pain. Then, Captain Unohana walked in. She has a worried look plastered all over her face. I walked to her.

"Is my lieutenant OK?"

She tries to smile but failed miserably. "That's why we're here at this meeting, Captain Ichimaru."

A meeting for Emona? It must be something really big. I was starting to panic, something I haven't done in a long time...

When all of the captains came in, Captain Yamamoto stood at the front.

"As you know, 3rd Squad got a new lieutenant. This afternoon, at round 5:00, she fainted with a major headache, am I right, Captain Ichimaru?"


He glared at me, I don't blame him, I'm suppose to be the mysterious, untrustable type. 

"She is still unconscious. But, we saw noticed something in her reiatsu. It's very, very high indeed. In fact, it's too high for a normal shinigami. It's so high, I was a bit knocked out by it. She probably couldn't control it and from time to time, she might faint again."

Byakuya looked up with an unemotional look. But you can see in his eyes were fear.

"So what is the problem?"

"What I'm trying to say was-"

He was cut by Emona's screaming. Again? Isn't it from time to time? 

I shunpoed to the 4th squad to see Emona rolling around on the floor. I fell as soon as I felt her reiatsu. It's suffocating me! It was so powerful. I feel so powerless. But, I feel pain looking at her scream and cry in pain.


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