Chapter 35

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Aizen's POV

"I see….. Gin has returned to their side. And Emona still haven't had a change of heart." I frowned at the screen. "This isn't good. Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, Nnoitra, and Starkk, I need you to go retrieve Gin and Emona. If you fail, don't think of coming back here ever again."


Emona's POV

"Another bowl please!!!" I yelled.

"Me too!!"

"Same here!!"

Meigetusu and Gin shoved their finished bowls aside. Byakuya and Toshiro was eating calmly, still on their first bowl.

"Please mind your manners, Lad- Captain Gor-"

I swung a punch at Byakuya, knocking him off his seat.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing, he's a captain and head of the Kuchiki Clan!" the girl yelled at me over the counter.

I snatched her collar and whispered into her ear. "Guess what? I'm a captain too, and I'm head of the Gorudo Clan."

She snorted. "Yeah right, what could a puny girl like you do? Captain? Head? Keep on dreaming."

"Captain Goru-" I whipped around, glaring at Byakuya. "Say what?"

"Cap-" I started walking to Byakuya slowly, my hand in a ball, ready to punch him. "Let's try that again."

"Emona?" he started hesitantly.

I nodded. "That's better."

"Captain Kuchikiiii!!! Why did you give in to this girl!!! She's just a normal snotty, girl!" the clerk whined.

"Are you blind, can you not see my Captain haori? I'm captain of squad 9, remember that! And… I'm head of the Gorudo Clan, Emona Gorudo!"

"Do not be rude to the head of the Gorudo Clan, nor shall you be rude to a captain!"

"Now , now, calm down, will ya'?" Gin waved his hands.

"Hm! Let's go!" all of us just walked out, Byakuya handed her the money before leaving.


Sitting on the top of the roof of my manor, I remembered the times when my foster parents played with me in the yard.

"You are a princess, Emona, but playing is what makes a princess sucessful, you don't want a sad, depressed, gloomy princess, now do we?" my dad said.

"But! Being a princess also means you have to be graceful and princessy. Sit and stand up straight, walk gracefully, and smile. Smiling is the key."

I ran inside the house and pulled on a beautiful, blue dress, it was long and slender, with white lace  around the top and bottom. Grabbing my violin, I walked to the backyard, and stood on top of my favourite rock. I played 'Sound of an Angel'. It was my favourite song. Playing, I got more louder and sweeter, it was such an amazing time.

Toshiro's POV

I heard beautiful music and jumped on the roof, running to where the music was, I noticed I was running towards the Gorudo Manor, it can't be, Emona?

Nnoitra, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra and Starkk's POV

We stopped in midair while looking for Aiku, or Emona, we heard a beautiful song playing on the violin, we followed it, it led us to a huge house, maybe a manor, we looked and remembered Aizen showing us the picture of the Gorudo Manor, and Emona is now head of the Gorudo Clan, she must be here.

Emona's POV

I stopped and felt presence, one was Toshiro, another here the Espadas, Ulqui, Grimm, Nnio, and Starkk to be exact. I threw a dagger at the Espadas and a tiny needle at Toshiro, just to tell him that I know he's there.

"Owww!!" I heard someone exclaim, sounds like Grimm.

"Impressive." toshiro stepped out and clapped his hands. Then his jaw dropped as soon as he saw me. He probably never seen me in a dress before. "Aizen's pawns! Get out of here! Or else I won't forgive you!"

"Of course not, shorty." Nnoi looked down at Toshiro.

I got irritated. "What do you want?"

"Go get Gin!" Grimm waved at Starkk."I'll take care of matters here."

"Gin?!?!?!?" I quickly grabbed Toshi's wrist and ran of towards Gin's reiatsu. Using my high speed shunpo, I flashed-stepped into Gin's room in seconds.

"They're coming. Fen." Fen came out and grabbed Gin's wrist. Openin a Senkaimon, we ran to Urahara's Shop.

"Dad!" I said and ran into his room, waking him up.

"Wha? How did you even get in?"

"Mei. Anyways, we need help. Aizen's onto us, and we need shelter." I quickly explained.

"Sure, come in here, and, nice dress." urahara smirked at me and opened a panel in the floor.

"Okay, here's our plan. I want to kill Aizen, once and for all!" I declared."We're training here."

Not waiting for an answer, I ran to the other side of the desert/ basement. Mediating, I entered my inner world.

"Fen, Mei what can I do to get more powerful?"

"We're going to teach you our Combined Bankai."

End of chapter 35

the song sound of an angel is on youtube. sry, i cant post the link , wattpad doesn't let me. type up "sound of an angel." it's really good

Toshi-you play so well!!!

Emona- thanks!!!


t-it was so sweet!

e-really? I practiced a lot when I was small!

g-what? What? Tell me!!

t- you should really play more often, right gin?

g- TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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