Chapter 14

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Emona's POV

"Sorry, Vice-Captain Emona, we will move out now." Aizen said to me gently. Probably kissing up to me. Tosen, Aizen, and Gin all walked out, Aizen in the front. Gin stopped and turned around.

"Come to our secret place at 8:00 tonigh', I got somethin' for ya." And he turned, only to be given a glare by Aizen. Shiro-chan frowned. Meigetusu threw my teddy bear, Hikari across the room.

"What the hell MeiMei!!" I yelled at Meigetusu. Hikari was given by my cousin, Hisana. She died but we were close. Rukia, lieutenant from the 13th squad looks just like her. 

"Don't call me MeiMei! That just makes everything worse!!" Meigetusu's eyes seem to glow. His hair rising. I glared back at him, our eyes zapping at each other.

"Whoa, calm down." Shiro-chan raised his hands. Me and Meigetusu burst out laughing. Shiro-chan raised an eyebrow. We rolled around laughing. Shiro-chan looked confused.

"What is happening..." When we finally calmed down, we explained it to him.

"Remember Omono Ko from Rukongai?" Omono was a girl that lived beside Shiro-chan's house. Shiro-chan nodded. "Whenever you are gone, Omono would do that eye thing with me, because she liked you right? One time, she did it with me, and then I turned away for a second, and a bird flew into her face! It was the funniest thing ever."

Meigetusu laughed again. "Oh yeah!!!" 

Shiro-chan's eye twitched. "Meigetusu, how did you know wall the stuff about Emona?"

"Remember Usagi? My bear? I thought that it always talked to me. But it was just Meigetusu talking to me. In my head, that is."

Shiro-chan's eyes widened. "Your Zanpakuto was around since you were that small?"

Meigetusu smiled. "Yup!"

"Okay! Wanna go train, Meigetusu, Shiro-chan?" I walked off, not waiting for an answer. 


When we got to some battle field, Meigetusu transformed back into a katana. I held out my katana, Shiro-chan held out one of his.

"Let's start!" I ran towards Shiro-chan and smacked his sword, causing him to step back, he slashed back, I dodged and....

Gin Ichimaru's POV

Aizen, Tosen and Me sat around the small table. 

"Gin, what do you think you're doing?" Aizen asked as soon as we sat down.

"What do ya mean, Captain Aizen?" 

Tosen frowned. "You know what Lord Aizen means." 

"Gin, you love Emona don't you?" 

"Yes, Captain. I have fallen' for her." 

Aizen slapped the table. "You can not fall in love for Emona."

"Why?" I asked, angry. Who does he think he is? Bossin' over me?

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