Chapter 6

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Gin Ichimaru's POV

"Just get out, I'm really tired today. Please go home and enjoy some time with Rangiku."

I frowned and pushed Emona against the wall, closing in on her. 

"Um, Captian Ichimaru.  I think you're a bit too close."

"I know." I whispered in her ear. Her face turned red. My hand slithered under her shirt, running my hand over her flat stomach.

She tried pushingme away, but I was way too strong. "Please, Rangiku is going to be mad!! She'll be heart broken!!! Shiro-chan!!! HELP!!!"

I let go and jumped out of the window when I heard the doorknob rattle. I jumped out and sighed, that was close.

"Gin, what are you doing here?" Rangiku looked up at me. Crap.

"Um, uh, bye!" I ran to my secret place,I haven't been here in so long. As I pushed aside the leaves, I saw that the garden and the fish were in good condition. I sighed. But paused. The leaves rustled. I jumped up and grabbed my sword. The figure walked out of the leaves. Emona. 

"Whatcha doing here?" I was a bit happy, but really surprised. I thought only I knew about this place.

She jumped back in surprise. "Captian Ichimaru!!! Errr... I always come here, what are YOU doing here?"

Emona's POV

"Captian Ichimaru!!! Errr... I always come here, what are YOU doing here?"

"Well, I always come here too." 

"Ok! Captian Ukitake's waiting so bye bye!!!" I turned and tried to run away but Ichimaru beat me to it. 

"I never said ya can go yet, did I Emona?"  I froze and backed up. As I backed, I didn't notice a rock behind me.  I tripped and fell, waiting for the impact of the ground. I closed my eyes. But the pain never came. I opened one eye, and saw Ichimaru looking down at me, his arms wrapped around my hip. I gasped and tried to pry his arms off my hip.

"GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF ME!!!" Ichimaru looked down at me. I gulped. Whoops. Big mistake. He chuckled.

"Am I that scary?" I looked away from him. He put his thumb under my chin and forced me to look up at him.  I looked up and saw the most magnificent colour ever. Ichimaru had his eyes open. It was a sky-blue colour, my favourite colour. I was enchanted by his eyes colour.

He chuckled. "Ya like my eyes? I just did ya a favor, now it's time for ya to return it." 

I quickly tried pulling away again. But that just caused him to pull me closer to him. He grabbed my hair ribbon thingy and pulled it. I gasped and tried to grab it. But he just put it down his shirt.

"I like yar hair out." My hair reached down past my hip. It was a sky-blue colour like Ichimaru's eyes. The ribbon. Shiro gave it to me before he left. He saved up money for so long to get it. 


"If ya want it that bad, come and get it." He let go of me and I lunged forward. I tripped over the same rock and fell again, but this time, on top of Ichimaru.

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