Chapter 18

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Emona's POV

I gasped. "No! We're just captain and lieutenants!"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. Finally.

"Yes, yes I will." I answered and grinned at him. He shunpoed to his room and laid me on his bed. He pinned my wrists down and leaned forward. Our lips touched and things got heated. He eventually pulled off my kimono and his shinigami uniform. And stuff happened quickly.

……………………………………………………………………………………………> Timeeeee Skiiippppeeeee(to the ryoka invasion)

 Me and Gin have been dating for 2 months now, no one knew about it. We were pretty much love sick, but it all went down on this horrid night….

I tossed and turned in my bed, I was helping Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends save Rukia, my cousin's look-alike. It wasn't that Rukia looked like Hisana that I was helping. It was that hisana once said that she had a sister, who she abandoned when she was small. I have a feeling that she is the abandoned sister, Captain Kuchiki's sister.  But I'm scared, what if they find out, will I be executed too?

I pulled on my captain haori and walked out of my room for fresh air. I then felt massive reiastu, I think it belongs to Captain Hitsugya. I shunpoed towards it and saw that Toshiro has frozen Gin's arm. Then Gin's blade cam out and headed for Toshiro's eye. He ducked and it kept going to Hinamori. I shunpoed in front of Hinamory and Gin's blade went through me, puncturing my left lung. Gin's eyes widened.

"Emona! What the hell are you…?" He left his sentence unfinished and picked me up bridal style, ready to take me to the 4th Squad,

"Don't.. touch me!" I staggered away and fell to the floor. Toshiro quickly came and picked me up, before turning to Gin.

"You shouldn't hurt her."

Gin Ichimaru's POV

"You shouldn't hurt her." Toshiro said to me. Those same words Kuchiki said to me. What's going on?

Toshiro disappeared Rangiku, who carried Hinamori. Rangiku looked at me with disappointment brfore leaving. Izuru came towards me, scared.

"Go back, Izuru, nothin' ta see here." I said in my cheerful voice as if nothing happened. But lots of things happened, and I have no way to take them back. 


Emona's POV

I woke up and saw Byakuya, Toshiro, and Shiro-chan looking down at me with a worried look plastered on their face. I sat up and they gave me some space. Toshiro started talking.

"Emona, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded, not sure of what is happening. "Um, what happened?"

Byakuya explained. "After the incident, you were brought here by Captain Hitsugaya. And you were asleep for 2 weeks already."

"Oh. Well, thanks for telling me. I feel horrible." I said sadly. Ichigo and his friends must be dead already.

Toshiro and Shiro-chan got up. "We have some business to attend to."

Byakuya stayed behind. "I'll stay behind."

I was shocked, Byakuya never stayed behind to take care of something other than Seireitei.

"Are you okay, Byakuya?" I asked bluntly.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" He asked back. Oh, whatever, he's still the same Byakuya.

"Sorry Captain Kuchiki." I quickly said, scared. 

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