Chapter 28

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All captains and lieutenants please come to the emergency meeting.

I yawned. "I'm feeling much better now, I think I should go to the meeting." I walked to the meeting with Kyoraku while we chatted.

"Oi Ukitake, what do you think this meeting is about?"

"Probably the regular stuff. Boring, regular stuff like usual."

He chuckled. "Yeah, sometimes I think 'emergency' is used in a different level from that Old Man."

Emona's POV

What?!? I just came home from being kidnapped. I slowly walked to the room.

When I got there, only Toshiro, Byakuya, Old Man and Zaraki was there.

"Yo! Long time no see!"I yelled at them and got to my spot. My heart sank when I remembered about Gin. I can't get my mind off him…

"You're back! What happened?" Toshiro asked.

Byakuya looked away, remembering about what happened that night before when I ran away. I sighed, something else to take care of. I went up to him and cupped my hand over his ear.

"Sorry Byakun, but I already have someone else. I hope we can be good friends instead." I whispered into his ear. He nodded and smiled slightly.

Byakuya's POV

"Sorry Byakun, but I already have someone else. I hope we can be good friends instead." She whispered into my ear. I nodded and smiled slightly. She's so sweet.

"It's Captain Kuchiki. Respect your elders."

Emona's POV

"Let's start the meeting, shall we?" Old Man started when everyone has arrived. "First, as you can see, Lieutenant of the 3rd Squad, Emona has come back from Hueco Mundo. Emona, tell us exactly what happened."

I told them what happened all over. Mayuri looked interested in the part about Szayel and the Senkaimon. But he looked so mad about Urahara that I practically busted a vein laughing about it. The Head Captain looked confused about the Senkaimon in  Hueco Mundo.  Zaraki grinned about my new Zanpakuto.

"Is that it?" The Head Captain asked when I finished.

I nodded. "Yes."

Just as I finished, I heard the security bells ring. My eyes widened. Aizen walked in.

I frowned. Thought so. "What are you doing here, Aizen." I spit his name out like it was rotten milk.

~Author's Interruption~ I though of 'rotten milk' b/c I just drank rotten milk. I said Aizen when I spit it out. That's how much I loathe him. Sorry, Aizen Lovers. He really pisses me off.

"Emona! You know better than to blast a hole in the walls of Las Noches! You could have been greatly damaged due to the loss of reiatsu! Now, come with me!" he yelled at me.

"No. Flicking. Way." I said.

"Aizen Sosuke. What brings you back?" Old Man asked.

"I came to take back Emona."

"Sorry, but I'm not going back with you." I said bitterly.

"But Gin is there. So are your three step-brothers, Aiku. Are you just going to abandon them?"

My eyes widened. How did he know about my step-brothers? "You have no right to call me Aiku!"

Shiro-chan's eye twitched. Just then, Urahara burst through the door.

"You're right, you, Aizen, have no right to call my daughter, Aiku."

Ichigo's POV

I walked into the Urahara shop, looking for Urahara.

"Oi! Mr. Urahara! Hats and Clogs! Urahara Kisuke! Where are you?" I yelled. Ururu walked out.

"The boss is in Soul Society." she informed me. "Please come back another time."

"What's he doing there?"

Emona's POV

Aizen walked towards me, I was frozen, scared. Just as he reached for me, I turned, wondering why no one was helping me. Everyone was just watching. Just as I turned, he grabbed my bracelet, causing it to crack, somehow. It fell to the floor and reiatsu burst out. Old Man and all the captains fell and had a hard time breathing, excluding Aizen, he looked like he was suffering, but not too much. I grabbed my head and screamed. Aizen reached towards me. Shiro-chan tottered in front of me and stabbed Aizen in the stomach.

"Damn!" Aizen said and lifted his sword at Shiro-chan.

"No! Aizen!" I yelled and blacked out.

End of chapter 28

Emona- omg!!! Omg!! Omg!! Why do I have to have a crush on that foxy faced creep in the story!!

Me- he's not a creep!!

Gin- (shoves face into dog) ahh! The smell of fish! Wanna try?(shoves dog into Emona's face)

e- im fine!!

g- no, really! It smells like fish!

m- see, he's not a creep…

g- it also smells like rainbows!!

e- what do rainbows even smell like?

g+m- fish sticks!!

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