Chapter 32

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Emona's POV

"Why are you gonna chain me up? I did nothing wrong to you!" I yelled at him and scooted to the very edge of the bed.

"I don't want you escaping and…. you will listen to all my commands. Or else, punishment will await you."

I gulped. "What punishment?"

Aizen leaned in. "I'll chain you up and… I can do anything I want with you."

"First! Kiss me."

"Hell no."

"Punishment already?"

I pushed him. "Don't touch me! I don't want your filthy hands touching me! I don't even want to sense your dirty reiatsu!" I yelled at him and jumped off the bed. I used to train with my body before I even got my Zanpakuto. That was when I was in Squad 2. I didn't know the name of my Zanpakuto and so I just fight with my body. I'm pretty good at martial arts.

So I kicked him in the gut hard and flipped over him, kicking down the door. I noticed Byakuya, Toshiro shiro-chan and Ichigo running towards me. They ran towards me and I ran with them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, confused.

"We'll explain later. Now open a Senkaimon!" Toshi yelled.

"How? I don’t have my…" my voice trailed off as Shiro-chan handed me my Zanpakutos.

"Unlock!" I yelled and a Senkaimon opened. We ran through just as Aizen caught up with us.


"LEAVE HIM!" Shiro-chan raised his voice at me for the first time.

I whimpered and he softened. "Why? Why do you have to like that traitor? Why can't you just fall in love with a nice, loyal, captain?"

"Because! He's nice and sweet. And also, he's true to the core!"I argued like a child.

"What are we yelling about here?" Toshiro walked in with Byakuya. What's with Toshiro, Byakuya and Shiro-chan always together nowadays?

"Captain Ukitake wants me to break up with Gin!" I pouted. Then I mimicked Shiro-chan in a high pitched voice. "And fall in love with a nice, loyal captain!"

Toshiro chuckled. "Well, we have a captains meeting and you're required to attend too."

"What? I don't wanna!!! I don't want to go to an old people meeting!?" I asked. I mean, do I have to fill in for Gin? Momo and Hisagi don't fill in for their captains.

"The meeting starts in half an hour." Byakuya reminds me and left with Toshi.

"What does that Old Man want? He's so annoying at most times.

"You are a smart girl, Emona. I know you deserve better than Gin. And…." he paused. "You still haven't told me what happened in two weeks you were gone."

"Well.." I explained to him what happened. Including the Nnoitra part. I think I explained it too detailed. Shiro-chan's face was beet red. It was funny.

I went to the meeting.

"Lieutenant of The 3rd Squad, Emona Go-"

"Here!" I interrupted Old Man to keep my identity.

"Do you want to be Captain of The-?"

"Hell no." I answered firmly.  I don’t want to be a captain. It's messed.

"You do not have a choice!" he replied firmly.

What? He just asked if I want to be a captain!

"Just go with the flow and say yes." Toshiro whispered into my left ear.

"I said no! I still have to go through the exams and-"

"You have phenomenal reiatsu and two Zanpakutos. Both have achieved Bankai. That is even further than a normal Captain."

I hesitated. "Okay. But only on one condition."

"Go on."

"If I can go back to Hueco Mundo and take Gin back. I will also decide on the punishment he receives. Oh and, I want to go to the human world for  a week!"


I walked out of the Senkaimon and ran to the my dad's shop.

"Dad!!! Where are you?" I yelled as I walked into the shop.

"Aiiiikuuuu!!! You've finally came to visit you're dad!!!!" he yelled.

"Where' s my gigai??" I asked.

"Right here!" Urahara pulled out my gigai from who knows where.

"Thanks!" I said, slipping into it and zipping towards Ichigo's reiatsu. I couldn't wait to visit him.

"Yo chick, wanna play with us?"

I whipped around and saw a few guys looking down at me. They had dyed hair. There was blue, red, and white. I burst into laughter.

"ohmygosh!!!!!! What's with the hair?" I rolled on the floor laughing, tears streaming down my face.

"You don't have any right to make fun of my hair!" the leader shot back.

"At least mine is natural!"

"Why you…" the leader threw a sloppy punch at me. I just grabbed his wrist and threw him about 6 metres away. Then I jumped into the air and kicked his drones. I just walked away clapping my hands. That was no fun. I walked until I saw the Kurosaki Clinic and jumped in the top window. Ichigo's head was on the table over what looked like paperwork. He was sleeping and had drool sliding down the side of the mouth. He looked so funny. I didn't want to wake him up and slipped into a girl's room. She had black hair and had fallen asleep on her bed. I sneaked into her closet and found a pair of PJs and an outfit for tomorrow.

I went back to Ichigo's room and changed. Then slipping into Ichigo's bed. He doesn't need it anyways.

Ichigo's POV

I woke up from a rustling sound.

"What???" I asked in confusion as a jacket slipped off me. It was a girl's jacket. Why would I have a girl jacket over me? I clearly remember that I was doing piles of homework. I yawned and went downstairs to take a shower. I'll just do it tomorrow. It's Saturday tomorrow and I have homework.


As I slipped under the covers, I felt someone or something. I quickly  jumped out of the bed an lifted the covers slowly. I saw a girl with blue hair and Karin's PJs. That blue hair….. Emona. That explains the jacket. I slipped in, making sure not to wake Emona up. Although it feels awkward, she said I was her best friend. Even more than Ukitake.


Ichigo's POV

Emona hugged me, eyes brimming with tears. "My best friend, is smart, kind, witty, funny and strong. Both in your heart and physically. He's always there to protect, no matter what. He's a carrot top and never gives up. He doesn't give a damn about what others think about him! So live, Ichigo!" she had said, tears streaming down her face, and her voice finally cracking.

I hugged her back. I was her best friend.  "I love you, Emona."

Author: as a friend btw…

"I love you too!" she said. "Don't give up, if you do, I won't forgive you!" then whispering into my ear she said."Don't tell anyone this, but even Shiro-chan can't even compare to you."

~Flashback Ends~

End of chapter 32

Emona- iiiiichhhiiiigooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ichigo- what did u do???

e- I accidentally got a stain on karin's PJs!


e-that doesn't help!

i- KARIIN!!!!

e- (jumps out window)

i- don't suicide….

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