Chapter 20

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 Emona's POV

Byakuya's eyes widened for a second. Then his  cold eyes showed pain, sadness and despair. I cocked my head, confused. But they disappeared as fast as they appeared.

"Hisana, she was beautiful, but the one I truly love is…. you." He said gently. His eyes softened. "Didn't you notice? Whenever you came to visit Hisana, my heart would jump and I would look at you from the top of the stairs, watching your every move."

I never noticed. I never noticed anything special about Byakuya. I thought of him as emo, or rude. Never had I once thought of him more than that. 

"Captain Kuchiki…" Unsure of what to say, I ran off, eventually getting lost somewhere in the woods. I looked around. It was all trees, trees and trees. I noticed Aizen, Gin and Tosen were gathered in the woods behind some big trees. A glowing ball was in Aizen's hands. It had such a hollow presence, it felt…like Aizen. I've been seeing Aizen, Gin and Tosen together a lot lately.

"Um, Captain Aizen, Captain Ichimaru, Captain Tosen, I'm a bit lost, may I ask you to tell me how to go back?" I stepped out, bowing. I was embarrassed. The three of them turned their heads towards me, surprised. Aizen looked worried and panicked. "Did you hear what we said?"

"No, Captain." I loathe Aizen. 

Aizen smiled gently, but it was clearly fake. "No problem, dear." Don't 'dear' me. I though sourly.

Gin's POV

Aizen, Tosen and me were in the forest, discussing our plans. Aizen's so bossy.

"I will take care of Hinamori. Gin, you are in charge of bringing her to me. Tosen, you will bring Emona back, I trust you won't touch her. You may only use Kido if she resists."

I whined about the plans. "Aww, Captain Aizen, I'm Emona's captain, won't she trus' me more?" I asked, hoping there would be a change in plans.

Aizen frowned. "Probably not, after what you've done to her." I frowned slightly, remembering the horror of my sword going through her.

The leaves rustled and Emona popped out behind the big trees. I panicked, and so did Tosen and Aizen.

"Um, Captain Aizen, Captain Ichimaru, Captain Tosen, I'm a bit lost, may I ask you to tell me how to go back?" Emona asked, bowing deeply.

 Aizen looked worried and panicked. "Did you hear what we said?"

"No, captain." She said, confused.

He smiled.  "No problem, dear." He stood up and put his arm around Emona, causing her to flinch slightly.  He looked back at me and smirked before disappearing into the smaller trees.

Emona's POV

 He stood up and put his arm around me, causing me to flinch slightly. When we were out of sight, I stood about 5 metres away from Aizen.

"Emona, are you still upset about what happened?" He asked, softly. Well, duh. Use your brain, Aizen, if you have one.

I didn't answer him. He frowned slightly. "I asked you a question." He said more harshly this time.

I still ignored him. He grabbed m wrist and pulled me close to him. He looked down at me, his eyes piercing through my skull. I tensed as he leaned closer and closer towards me, his eyes closing.

"Emona, please forgive me, I truly love you, Emona, unlike Ichimaru. He just plays with his prey, then dumps them."

That pissed me off. I pushed Aizen back. "Don't

Aizen's POV

I stood there, hurt and confused. I had power, I will soon rule the world, so why, why did she choose Gin over me?

Sorry for the break!!! I was sick....  *wink wink*

just kidding, I had Animeobssesion diesease.

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