Chapter 3

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Gin Ichimaru's POV

I knocked on the door. The yelling stopped and the door opened. Captain Ukitake's head popped out.

"Hello Captain Ichimaru, how may I help you?"

"Is Emona in here?" 


"Can you call her, I need her paperwork done."

"Okay. EMONA!!!!" Emona popped out from under Ukitake's arm.


"I need your paperwork done." 

"Okay, but Captain Ichimaru, can I do my paperwork here?" 

The irritating feeling came back. "No." I growled.

Emona's POV

"No." Captain Ichimaru growled. Whoa... he growled...

My face fell. "Hai Captain Ichimaru. Bye Captain Ukitake."

I cupped my hand over Shiro's ear and whispered. "Can I sleep over tonight?"

He nodded smiling warmly. "No problem."

I turned around to see Captain Ichimaru frowning. We walked back to his office slowly. He pointed to the HUGE stack of paperwork on my desk. What. The. Frig. I looked over it and glared at Captain Ichimaru. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"I gave you my paperwork too >:D" I threw his paperwork at him. His eyes widened.

'NOOOO! Now I need to seperate the piles again, no thanks to you." I smirked proud. He glared at me (with his eyes closed). He is scary. Very scary.

Gin Ichimaru's POV

She looked so scared. Was I that scary? I cupped her cheek. I cornered her and looked down at her. She was whimpering quietly. I smirked and leaned in. 

All lieutenants please attend the emergency meeting. Damn meetings...

Emona pushed away and ran out. Why did I do that? Grrr.... I hate myself. Rangiku, what will she say?

Emona's POV

I ran to the meeting blushing furiously. Wait.... why was I blushing? He's my CAPTAIN for pete's sake!

I walked in and all the lieutenants parted like the red sea. What...

"Um.. hi! I'm Emona!" I wave shyly.

A busty girl with orange hair walked up to me with a dirty look on her face.

"Are you the new lieutenant of the 3rd squad? The one with immense reiastu?"

I nodded. "Yes, and you are.."

She laughed. "YOU are the one with huge power? Unbelievable. You are so teeny!!!"

Rangiku's POV

I hate this girl. Why?? She was pretty, she was the type Gin liked, she was strong. I hate her. 

"YOU are the one with huge power? Unbelievable. You are so teeny!!!" She was small, but she has that strong look in her eyes, just what Gin likes.

"I'm Rangiku Matsumoto, lieutenant of the 10th Squad, and Gin is my fiancé, so stay away from him."

Her face lit up. "Really? Congrats, he will stay away from me!!! I will never like him, he's creepy and he's my captain."

I was relieved, so she doesn't like him. "Well, good."

Gin Ichimaru's POV

"Really? Congrats, he will stay away from me!!! I will never like him, he's creepy and he's my captain." I heard Emona say. My heart fell when I heard those words. I shook my head. No, I'm about to get married,in 3 months, I shouldn't think about Emona. But whyyyy???

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