Chapter 7

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Jushiro Ukitake's POV

I waited for Emona to come back. She said she needed some fresh air after what happened. I smacked the table furiously. Gin, I will get you. You meessed with Emona, and you will pay for it. But, why was I acting like I was jealous? I mean, I'm not really jealous, am I?

Rangikue's POV

I'm pretty sure I just saw Gin in Captian Ukitake's house. I wanted to get some flowers for the new house me and Gin would be living in when we marry in a few months. Then I saw Gin jumping out on a window. He looked a bit.. nervous when he saw me.

"DAMMIT! GIN! WHY'LD YOU MESS AROUND WITH HER?!?! YOU ALREADY HAVE A FIANCÉ! AREN'T YOU HAPPY ENOUGH? NOW YOU MESS AROUND WITH SOMEONE ELSE? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" Whoa. Never heard Ukitake yell before. But Gin with someone else? No. That's impossible. He loves me. I love him. Everything's perfect, right?

"Captian Ukitake! Can I come in?"

The shouting died down. "Um, come on in, Matsumoto."

I opened the door and peeked in. "Um, Captian, can I ask you something?"

"Oh, yes, yes, anything."

"Um, you screamed something about Gin messing aorund with someone else."

Ukitake's eyes widened. "I screamed?" 

I nodded. "Yeah, something about Gin messing around with someone else."

"Oh, right. Ahem, well, you see, Emona was about to take a shower, when she walked into the bathroom, Captian Ichimaru was in there."

My eyes widened. 

"Then, he was about to um, harrass, her."  I could tell 'harrass' wasn't one of his usual words.

"I was about to come in when he jumped out of the window."

Gin, why did you do that? 

Emona's POV

I quickly got off him, but he rolled over and pushed me down on the ground. My eyes widened.

"W-what are you doing?"  I pushed him, causing him to close in. I looked up and saw his eyes open again. I looked deeply into his eyes. He was adorable. He leaned in and our lips locked. Then, I snapped out of my trance. His hands start to loosen one my shoulders. I took that chance. I pushed him back and stood up.

"Captian Ichimaru! What do you think you are doing? Are you INSANE?"

He chuckled. "Ya know ya can call me Gin, that's ma name."

Gin... means silver. Like his hair.

"Ok, Gin, you know you have a fiancé, so just leave me alone! I mean, you can't like me, I'm just your lieutenant, get that through your head."

"Get that that though ma head? Sorry, no can do."

"What are you..." My head turned around to the sound of a familiar voice. My eyes widened when I saw the person that was standing in front of me.

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