Chapter 25

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Emona's POV

"Ahem well, you see… I had a history…" I stalled. "I was born in the Rukongai. I don't know who my father was or is, since he went somewhere. I also had a step-mother… she brought Ulquiorra, Nnoitra and Grimmjow with her. And um… she died when I was five…. Oh and then when I was sixteen, Ulqi, Nnoi and Grimmy disappeared somewhere, then Shiro-chan found me and brought me to The Gorudo Clan, who were looking for a child. Or some person to take over their heir. But Hiriri didn't like my original name, so I had to change it." I explained quickly, hoping Gin didn't really understand it.

"Emona, what was yer real name?" Gin asked quietly.

"I'm not telling." I crossed my arms and walked out of the room, I don't want to be reminded of my past. I walked on and on searching for an exit until I bumped into someone. Someone with a rock-hard chest.

"Ow! Watch where you're going!" I snapped, not noticing who it was.

"Found you!" A sly voice announced. I looked up, it was the pink dude. He licked his lips with his creepy tongue.

"Shit!" I yelled and backed away, bumping into someone else. It was some guy with bored eyes and brown hair.

"Who the hell are you?" I spit into his face.

He just stared at me pervertly.

"He's Starkk Coyote, Espada #1. Show some respect."

"And what number are you supposed to be, huh Pinky?" I spit at Szayel.

"Um, number 8." He replied meekly. He started explaining how he got that number and the system when I saw the chance and dashed the other way, where Pervert and Pinky can't get me. I shunpoed straight forward when I saw a huge door. They obviously can't catch up, I shunpo quite fast. I threw open the door, expecting the some deserted place. But I see Aizen sitting on this huge white, probably uncomfortable, stone chair.

"Ahhh, Emona, I've been waiting for you." Aizen said, smiling. "Come here."

I pretended to walk to his chair then spun around and ran out of the room. I got tired looking for the door, so I just decided to blast a hole through the wall with my new Zanpakuto.

"Um, how do I use this?" I got a little confused, I have no idea how to call Fenstu out.

"It's Darken, Fenstu. You can also use Bankai on this, but the destruction power of Fenstu's Shikai is enough to knock down that wall." Meigetusu informed me in my head.

I yelled. "Darken, Fenstu!!" My normal-looking sword turned into dark mist. I reached my hand out to try touching it, but Meigetusu quickly yelled.

"No! Don't touch it, it turns whatever it touches into ashes! Actually, only human or animal flesh." Whoa, that is some creepy power I have…"You'll know what to say at the right time."

I nodded quickly, and yelled. "Mayonaka no dākunaito!! (Dark knight of midnight)" The mist turned into a whirlwind and smashed right through the wall.

 Gin Ichimaru's POV

I felt a mini-earthquake happen in Las Noches, my room started vibrating and pictures starting falling down but I didn't feel any reiastu.

"It's probably Emona trying to escape from this place. No matter how much she tries, she still can't use Bankai here." I sighed. Aizen has the building made so Emona's Bankai won't work.

Emona's POV

I ran into Hueco Mundo and took a good look at Hueco Mundo. It was all dark and sandy with very few plants. Calling them 'plants' is an understatement. They're like twigs that dried up then dried up again. Then someone tried growing them and they dried up again.

"Where're you going, hm?" I saw Starkk appear behind me.

I shunpoed away silently. When he was no longer in sight, I opened a Senkaimon with my sword.

"Unlock." I quietly whispered. "Grimmy, Nnoi, Ulqui, I'll be back for you." And I stepped through the Senkaimon.

End of chapter 25

Fenstu- Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour..

Random people passing by- O_O

Emona- (covers her face with her hands) I don't know him!!!

f- whatever are you talking about? I'm your zanpakuto…

e- noooo you're not!

f- (cries and runs to Meigetusu)

Meigetusu- tsk, tsk..

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