Chapter 13

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Emona's POV

Aizen is so stupid. There is no way that he would beat Meigetusu. 

"Sorry Four-eyes, but I ain't got that much time."

Meigetusu flash stepped towards me and unchained me so fast that is was unbelievable. He flashstepped me to my secret place and threw me extra uniform. I put it on and yawned. 

"Hey Meigetusu, can you bring me to my room, I'm so tired."

Meigetusu sighed. "Fine, but I'm not going back to my world just yet, it's a disaster there."

"So you're going to live in my room for a few days?"

"Yup, now lets go, or Four-eyes gonna catch up soon."

...............................................................................................> Time Skipppppp

"Meigetusu!!! Get off my bed! Sleep on the couch or something!" Meigetusu was really annoying at times, today he decided to sleep on my bed.

"Nooooo... I'm so tired..."

"Then where am I supposed ta sleep?" I whined and stomped my feet. Then Meigetusu pulled me with him. 

"Ahhhh!!! Go back to your world! You're so annoying!" I elbowed him hard.

"Geeeeetttt offffffff noooowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Em?" I look up and see Shiro-chan standing in the doorway. I pushed Meigetusu off and hug him.

"I'm sorry Shiro-chan about that day."

"Who's that?" Shiro-chan pointed to Meigetusu.

"Oh! That's my Zanpakuto spirit! Looks a bit like you, right?" It was true, they both had white hair.

"Yoooo!! You're Shiro-chan's lover, eh? Hah! I'ld known you since Emmy was small. You really annoyed me." Meigetusu threw his head back laughing.

"Um, what do you mean I was annoying?" Shiro-chan fumed. It was funny. Literally.

"You always exaggerated about Emmy here and you annoyed da hell right outta me."

"And he's annoying me now too." Gin appeared behind Shiro-chan.

Meigetusu frowned. "You! I hate you! You make Emmy cry so much. AND you always make tornadoes in my world!"

"Tornadoes? What's tornadoes supposed to mean?" Gin chuckled, clearly knowing what it means.

"Tornadoes mean-" I tackled Meigetusu, causing him to fall of my bed.

"Tornadoes mean nothing."

Then Gin got serious. "Where were ya yesterday?"

I totally forgot about yesterday. Aizen Sousuke. "Oh, um, absoloutly nothing. He he!"

Gin raised his eyebrows. "Nothing? I doubt it."  

"What are you doing here, Captian Ichimaru?" Aizen appeared at the door with Captain Tosen.

"Oh, Captain Aizen, I'm just visiting my lieutenant, telling her to come in later. I needed ta talk ta her."

Aizen frowned slightly, then returned back to his normal calm face. I mentally winced at the memory of what happened yesterday. He is such and evil, evil person.

"Um, excuse me Captain Aizen, Captain Tosen and Captain Ichimaru, but my room is getting crowded." hoping that they would get da hint ta GET OUT OF MYYYY ROOM!

Sorry for not updating! Please gimme some more ideas, my brain is already fried at school. x_x

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