Chapter 29

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Emona's POV

I ran to my secret place and put a barrier up. I took out my Zanpakuto.

"Darken, Fenstu!" I yelled. The black mist appeared.  I closed my eyes. I was in my inner world again.

Fenstu charged at me as I opened my eyes. This happened with Meigetusu. I was ready. I blocked Fentsu, but he was really stronger than Meigetusu. He threw me off and I landed on my butt. His expression remained neutral. As he came towards me, I flipped over him and cut him on his shoulder. He staggered back and I took that chance to stab my Zanpakuto through his back. But not before he cut me across the chest. I grabbed his sword, my hands bleeding and I slashed him across the chest.

"Congrats, I'm officially yours." he said. His voice was deep and husky, but also sexy.

Then, I was back in the real world. Hmm, I need someone to train with.


"Kenpachi!!! Where are you!!" I yelled as I stomped into Eleven Squad's office. Zaraki walked in behind me.

"What do you want, Emona?" he asked.

"I wanna fight with you!" I told him.

He smirked. "I don't want to fight with a shrimp like you!"

"I have two Zanpakutos!" I taunted him.


We ran to the battlefield, eager. Really, I just want to train. And he's the perfect opponent.

"Ready, go!" I yelled. He ran towards me. I swerved and brought my sword forward, cutting him on the arm. Just a scratch no more than 2 inches deep. I hopped back just so I wouldn't get cut.

"Call your Shikai!" he yelled at me.

I wanted to train with Fenstu, so I called him out. "Darken, Fenstu!" the black mist appeared.  Zaraki scratched his head, confused.

"What the hell is this supposed to be?" he yelled as he reached his hand forward and as his fingers touched the mist, it turned into ash. His eyes widened.

"Wha?!?!" he looked confused, wondering where his fingers went. I took that chance.

"Mayonaka no dākunaito!" I yelled and the whirlwind came towards him, he jumped just in time, but the whirlwind followed him up, sucking him in. He was thrown down cut and bruised. He smirked.

"This is getting fun!" we clashed swords as my sword turned back into mist. Actually, my hilt did, but the mist took form of a sword. He slashed me across the chest slightly and I did the same. I huffed. I was actually on par with Zaraki! But soon, he overpowered me. I was slashed across the leg, I huffed and fell to the floor. Zaraki smirked.

"That was fun, but you still have lots to go." he said walking off.

"Wait.." I said. "I'm not done yet!"

"What?" Zaraki asked, turning around. " I don't want to kill you."

I smirked and slowly stood up. "Mayonaka no chi no yuki!" (blood snow of midnight) I yelled, and the mist turned into what looks like a meatball dripping with blood. They pelted at Zaraki, causing his skin so suddenly cut open and bleed. The mist sucked in the blood and the meatballs grew bigger. Until Zaraki started cutting them, only making them get back together.

"What the hell is this kind of witch craft?" he yelled. He raised his reiatsu and the mist bounced off."Ha! You're done now!"

"Kuro No Spaiku!" (black spikes) I yelled and pointed my hands forward, as the mist turned into spikes, it flew towards Zaraki. He blocked it off with his sword.

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