Chapter 23

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Emona's POV

I woke up to find myself tied in a white room. No one was here. "Hello? Anybody?"

The door opened after a few minutes. A dude with medium  length, pink hair and weird glasses walked in.  "So you're finally awake, you sure took your time." He leaned in towards me, pressing his body against mine. "Hmmm, I see why Aizen chose you."

"Back off, Pinky!!!" I spit in his face. "Where am I?"

He smirked. "In Hueco Mundo, Las Noches." He covered my mouth with duct tape. "Aizen said not to lay a finger on you, but I just can't help myself."

"You will be punished, Szayel." A cold voice said behind him. Szayel whipped around, I saw a familiar face. Black hair, teal eyes, pale face, tall figure. It can't be, no way. Ulquiorra Cifer, my step-brother.

This was my family, I had an unknown father, and a step-mother that died when I was 5. When she came, she brought Ulquiorra, Grimmjow and Nnoitra with her, at that time, they were souls. Happy souls. Then one day, when I was 16, they disappeared, we were walking in a field, and they disappeared. Just vanished. Shiro-chan found me crying over thin air, and said something about a hollow's reiatsu lingering behind. He soon found me and gave me to The Great Clan, The Gorudo Clan. It's the clan that sits on top of the four clans.

Ulquiorra's eyes widened when he saw me. "You're…. Emona?"

I nodded slightly, scared. Ulquiorra's eyes had tears running down, permanent tears.

"You will not try to escape from Las Noches." Ulquiorra stood firm again, but pain lingered in his eyes. He walked away, hands in his pockets. Every one of my step-brothers had different last names, they don't want to be known to be brothers, especially Grimmjow, he dyed his hair because of that.

Ulquiorra Cifer's POV

How could, SHE be there? This was the girl Aizen has fallen in love with? No one knows this, I may be her step-brother, but I have fallen for her. I was once a soul, but Aizen took us and brought us here.

Emona's POV

Szayel looked at me, smirking. "Hmmm, I really can't resist, you are so, so perfect." He leaned in once more, trailing his finger up and down my body. I winced in disgust. He was so disgusting, he made me want to puke. Meigetusu started speaking. His voice rang in my head.

"Do you want me to go into human form?"

"Yeah, duh."


Thank goodness…

"Ahem." I heard a familiar voice. Szayel whipped his head around. "Who're you?"

Meigetusu laughed. "Well duh, I'm Emona's Zanpakuto."

"Intresting, Aizen didn't warn me about this. I guess I'll have to win you over and get back to my Emmy here."

End of chapter 23

Szayel: Why do I have to fight this girly guy!!! He has long hair!!!

Me: You're girly too…

S: Pffttttt no… ……………………………………………………………………………...yea…..

M: Ooooh what if I wrote that you are a girl pretending to be a boy in the next chapter!!!

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