Chapter 31

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Emona's POV

He ripped open my uniform. And took off his too.

"Mei! Fenstu!" I yelled. They appeared immediately. Fenstu grabbed meanwhile Meigetusu punched Nnoitra.


Emona's POV

"Em?" Shiro-chan knocked on my door. It has been two weeks since I went to Hueco Mundo.

"Come on in!" I yelled. Shiro-chan popped his head in. I didn't tell him about the incident. I'm afraid that Shiro-chan might go to Hueco Mundo and break the rules like I did.

"Sorry I haven't been visiting you in a while, but I did come here two weeks back and you weren't here."

I gulped. "N-nothing. I was probably training." I was terrible at lying.

"C'mon Em, I know you're lying." he knew me too well.

"I found out who my real dad is!" I tried changing the subject.

"If you're not going to tell me, I'll force it out of you!" he started tickling me. I ran around the room and soon out. I accidentally bumped into Toshiro.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Captain Hitsugaya." I apoligized while bowing. Then I muttered. "Toshi- toshi."

Since I'm shorter than Toshi-toshi, he ruffles my hair. "It's alright. But Toshi-toshi, IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!"

He yells and he and Shiro-chan started chasing me around.

When I turned back to see if their catching up, I bump into another person. I looked up, expecting Zaraki because of his rock-hard chest. But I look up and into the eyes of a smirking Aizen.

"Emona, I've come back, but I see that you've missed me and ran right into my arms."

"Shoot!" I yelled and turned but Aizen hugged me and I blacked out. Again.

Aizen's POV

She's finally mine. I'll keep her in my room so she can't escape. She's so beautiful. I slide a lock of hair away from her face. Her face was peaceful. I kissed her on her for head.

"Aizen! Let go of Emona!" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Ukitake and Hitsugaya running towards me.

Opening a Gargantua, I waved. "Emona probably won't be coming back!"

Emona's POV

I woke up to see a white room. It looks similar to the one in Hueco Mundo. I sat up on the bed. It was a big bed with two pillows. I yawned and walked to the door. I turned the doorknob, but it wouldn't open. I was locked in here! I rattled and pulled the doorknob. Suddenly, it opened. Aizen looked down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You're in Las Noches. My palace." he said. Then started walking towards me and I started to walk backwards. He kept on walking forward and I walked backwards until I hit the wall.

"Shoot."I muttered.

Aizen smirked and still came closer. "You're trapped. What are you doing to do now?"

He kept on walking until our bodies touched and he wrapped his arms around my hips. "Damn, you're so beautiful." he leaned forward and our lips touched. He tried making my lips open, but I kept it tightly shut. He squeezed my hip and I gasped, causing my lips to open and Aizen took that chance to stick his tongue into my mouth. His tongue roamed around my mouth, dancing with my tongue. I kicked him in his gut and pushed him back. I reached for the doorknob and rattled it.

"Sorry! I have the keys." Aizen said and his arms wrapped around my waist, him nipping on my neck. Quickly turning around, I jumped on the bed and wrapped the blanket around myself, not allowing any entrance.

"Ha! You can't get me now!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I have business to attend to. We'll continue this next time." he said and locked the door. 

I realized I was tired and fell asleep.

…………………………………………………………………………> three hours time skip!!!

(>._.)> <(._.<) ^(._.)^ do the kirby dance

Aizen's POV

When I walked back into the room, I saw Emona sleeping soundly. She must be tired. I had grabbed a few chains from the storage room on my way back. I closed the door gently, careful not to wake her. The chains clanged together, making a loud noise. Emona sat up, startled.

Emona's POV

I looked over to see Aizen holding chains.

"Um, what are those chains for?" I asked, scared.

"To chain you up."

End of chapter 31

Aizen- I miss my glasses…

Me- why?

a-it makes me look less evil and more welcome

m- but you are an evil person

a- yeah but I'll look less like a pedo and more like an ice cream man

m-I though ice cream men look like pedos tho….

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