Chapter 19

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Emona's POV

"Okay.." Then I remembered it was Hisana's death anniversary. "oh, um, I need to go somewhere." I don't wanna remind Byakuya of his late wife. I didn't wait for him to say anything and shunpoed to her grave. I kneeled down and cried. Me and Hisana were the bestest friends, also cousins. We had fun times together.


"Hisana-chan, can we go to the candy shop?" I grabbed Hisana's hand and dragged her to the famous candy store.

"Wow so much candy! Even Byakuya doesn't have that much candy!" Me and Hisana drooled over the treats and sweets. The store candy store had rows and rows of different kinds of candy. At the back, there was a bake your own cookie section. It smelled really sweet. One cookie costs $0.50.

"Hey Hisana! Wanna go make a cookie? I think it's pretty awesome." Me and Hisana ran to the back and made a cookie. We ended up making a tower of icing and sprinkles on the cookie. After a while, we got tired of sweets and walked out of the store.


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"Emona, wanna go to Kagayaki to Kamo? I kinda want to buy a kimono." Hisana blushed. I knew she wanted to buy it for Byakuya. She loved him a lot.

I agreed. "Yeah sure, why not?"

Kagayaki was a store that was easily spotted from a billion miles away.It had scented candles on it's roof, the pink lights flashed and a lot of females crowded around that place. But of course, we have a secret entrance that isn't so crowded.

By the time we got out of the store, the sky had turned dark. The lanterns were lit and fireflies started buzzing around us. The star were out too. We ended up buying only one kimono for Hisana, but we had fun trying on kimonos. Just then, Hisana collapsed on the ground. She looked pale and her lips were quivering.

"Hisana, c'mon, don't play with me, Hisana. Hisana, did you hear?" I shook her a few times. People passing by were starting to stare at us, wondering what was a girl doing lying down in the middle of nowhere.

~Flashback Ends~

I cried and cried, letting my tears run freely down my face. Then, the rain started pouring. But I didn't care. I once thought long ago, that if I died, then I'll see Hisana in another dimension, like another soul society. So I let the rain fall, I don't care if I get sick, I'll just die. It's okay for me to die. Right?

"Hisana, I miss you, please, let me get sick just this one time. I promise, I'll go shopping with you again. I'll go to any kimono shop you want. Just please, let me see you."

I started choking up again. Suddenly, the rain stopped around me.  I looked up and saw Byakuya standing there, holding an umbrella. "You're foolish. You won't see her again."

My temperature boiled. "What do you know? You're such a stuck up ***hole!"

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