Chapter 17

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Emona's POV

I whipped my head at him. "What do you mean?!?!"

Gin's grin disappeared. "Didn't ya say yer coming with me ta some place?"

"After what you did, hell no. I don't need you, go tend to the Third Seat."

With that, I ran into Shiro-chan's guest room, tears in my eyes.

Gin Ichimaru's POV

"Emona…. Yer mad at me?" I asked myself. It was hard seeing her mad, especially if it's about me.

Emona's POV

I cried, and cried. Then, around 5 minutes later, someone knocks on the door. Probably Shiro-chan. 

"Come in." I said weakly. The door opened and Gin popped his head in.

"Ello!!! Wanna go now? The festival about ta start."

My eyes widened. "Festival?"

"Well, there's a festival in Rukongai, and I planned the date there, I even got tickets for us!"

I crossed my arms and turned my head. "Fine."

He stuck his hand out and I grabbed it. "OK! I'm going to tell Shiro-chan we're going."

"Oh, job done. I already told him, you should've seen his face. It looked like he just ate a Warhead."

"Uh, Warhead?" I'm not sure what a Warhead is.

Gin chuckled. "Ya probably haven't gone ta the real world before."

Gin chuckled. "Ya probably haven't gone ta the real world before. A Warhead is candy, sour candy."

When we got to Rukongai, I looked around. There were decorations and music and food and dancing and singing everywhere. I grabbed Gin's hand and we went to a game booth. If you won, you get a HUGE teddy bear of some kind.  You're supposed to pop the balloons with darts.

"Oooooo!!! I'm good at stuff like this!"

Gin grinned. "Let's have a contest, we're going ta see who gets the most darts has to do what they wan' to do with the other person."

I gulped. This was a dangerous rule. "O-okay." I tried my best but he got 3 more balloons  than me!

"NOOOOOO!!!! Let's do it again! That wasn't fair!" I stomped my feet like a child.

"Nope. I know exactly what I want ya ta do tonight." He liked his lips.

For the rest of the day, we played games and won lots of stuff and we ate lots of food, Gin ate 12 bags of dried persimmons. I bought some ohagi for Shiro-chan.

When night came, Gin led me to a hill. "Now, remember the deal we made?" He whispered seductively in my ear. He wrapped his arms around me and licked my ear lobe. I turned red and hot.

"Wha-what deal?" I asked innocently.

"C'mon, don't fake it." His hand slipped into my kimono.

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