Chapter 16

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I woke up from the terrible dream. I gasped. "What just happened?"

"I see you're discovering another ability of mine." Meigetusu told me.

"What do you mean? Horrid dreams?"

"No, predicting the future."

"So Omono's going to be here?" I asked, confused.

"Nope, she's dead." He said, smiling.

"Since when?" I didn't know that she died! That was horrible, no actually awesome, but I'm not cruel.

"3 years ago."

"So who is that girl, I'm sure it's Omono."

"You're still a beginner, the dreams aren't all accurate."


I ran to Gin's room, to check out my new ability. When I got there, I whipped the door open, and I saw a girl on top of Gin. She was UGLY. Her lips were huge, her eyelashes were clearly fake and she wore her makeup like her face was a colouring book. She has ugly brown hair that was longer than her fake butt.

She looks me up and down. "Who are you, child?"

"Emona, Lieutenant of the 3rd Squad, who are you supposed to be?"

"5th seat of the 3rd Squad. Don't fool with me child, leave me with the captain and shoo! You aren't supposed to be in here, children also aren't supposed to lie. If you think you'll take Gin away

"I… Gin, I HATE YOU!" I said that and ran out, tears in my eyes. I loved him, he was sweetish, funny, and amazingly awesome.

 Gin Ichimaru's POV

"I… Gin, I HATE YOU!" Those words hit me. Hard. I pushed my fifth seat off of me.

"Get off me, Gomi Mamoru!" I yelled at her and ran after Emona. I saw here up ahead, Ukitake was inviting a sobbing Emona into his room. Ukitake glared at me before closing the door.

"Crap…" I muttered.

"You shouldn't hurt her." I turned around and saw Captain Kuchiki. He closed his eyes.

"I didn’t know ya were inta this stuff, Captain Kuchiki." I taunted him.

"She's my late wife's cousin, I want to marry her." He said bluntly.

 "Ya sure like ta joke, she doesn't even talk ta ya, Captain."

Emona's POV

"He- he was with another girl! I thought he was serious with me!" I told Shiro-chan, crying my eyes out.

"Shhhh, he's not worth it, he's not worth it." Shiro-chan hugged me and stroked my head, just like when I was small.


"Shiro-chann, Kuki, Hozon, Samui and Attakai bullied me again!" I came in crying my eyes out. I had cuts and bruises all over my body.

Shiro-chan ran towards me. "Shhhh, it's alright, Shiro-chan's gonna tell them not to bother you anymore."  Shiro-chan hugged me and stroked my head. Kuki, Hozon, Samui and Attakai were a clique of girls that called The Amazing Shiro's. They all fell in love with Shiro-chan, and of course, were all older than me. In the whole village, I was the smallest, and not to brag, but was the prettiest was me. Everyone had weird hair colors that were clearly dyed. The TAS's were jealous.

~Flashback Ends~

"Em, I love you, you deserve more than that bastard. I'll do anything to get you to love me."

"Shiro-chan, you're my bestest friend, we can't ruin that relationship."

"I understand, but please, I don't want to see you hurt anymore."

"Don't worry, thanks Shiro-chan, I feel better now."

"Then can we go ta now?" Gin appeared in the doorway.

Ahhhh, there's literally no ideas left in my brain. Please help. *puppy face from Gin*

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