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Name: Emona Gorudo(although practically no one knows her last name)

Race: Visored.

Eye colour: Teal eyes

Hair colour- sky blue

Skin colour- fair

Fav food- sushi and dried persimmons

Fav colour- sky blue


Zanpakuto- Meigetusu(moon). He has white hair and red eyes, he is a bit like Grimmjow.

Shikai- Her shikai activates by the phrase "Sing Meigetusu". Her shikai has 5 whips with hooks at the end.

Bankai- Mayonaka no Tsuiakari(midnight moonlight). Her hair has bows and she has a black dress with moons on it. She's barefoot and has black wings. Her weapon in a scythe.

Mabayui Bakari no Mangetusu(blinding moon)- Light comes down and surrounds the opponent, sending blades down onto him/her.

Shainingu Furawa Mun(shining flower moon)- Light reflects and everything is like a mirror around the oppnent, causing Emona to be able to injure them without them noticing.

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