Chapter 15

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Gin Ichimaru's POV

"Because I love her, and no one elso can love her other than me!" Aizen said, clearly angry. 

"What if she doesn't love ya? What if she loves someone else?"

"I would kill everyone she loved.

"Tha' would make her sad. Ya wouldn't wan' her ta be sad, now woulda'. An' would she love you after what ya did ta her?"

Aizen stopped. "Of course she would." Although he sounded skeptical, he looked confident. But I will get to Emona's heart before he does. 


Rangiku ran up to me, panting and catching her breath.

"Goodness gracious, what are you doing here?" I asked her. She held up her hand as she breathed, signaling that she hasn't finished catchinger breath yet.

"Gin, we need to talk." 


"I don't think we should marry, I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore."

"Me neither." I said after a moment of silence. It was true, I didn't love her anymore."

"Well, I guess childhood friends can't fall for each other right?" Rangiku laughed.

"Yeah. Just like Emona and Ukitake."

"Oh and, I was foolish being jealous of Emona, she could love who she wants to love."


Emona's POV

 I ran with Meigetusu to the secret garden. Meigetusu insisted on protecting me. In his human form. I'm sure he just wanted to make Gin jealous. When I got there, no one was there.

"Meigetusu, can you go to Gin and see what he's doing? And don't let him notice you, so cover up your reiatsu."

"Hai!" Meigetusu saluted and marched off. He was so reliable, I wonder what I'ld do without him. 

"Yo, he's coming." Meigetusu came back and sat down next to me. 

"Hey, Emona!" Gin came through the bushes. His eyes widened when he saw Meigetusu.

"Who are ya?" 

"My Zanpakuto, Meigetusu." I said calmly.

"Riight. Turn back inta a Zanpakuto." 

"Okay." Meigetusu turned back into my Zanpakuto.

"Anyways, Gin. What do you want."

"I have something to tell you. Me and Rangiku canceled the wedding. We decided that becoming friends ais better anyway."

"Oh ok. So is she mad at you or something?"

"No. But I love you."

"I'm sorry but what."   

"I want you." Gin walked in front of me and placed two fingers under my chin and brought them closer to his lips. We kissed and I wrapped my arms around him, falling into a trance. He wrapped his arms around my hip. I snapped out of my trance and pushed him back.


"You love me, don't you?" Gin snickered.

I blushed madly. "What? No." Although I know now that wasn't true. 

"Can you be my woman?"

"You have to prove yourself."

"Tomorrow, at 1:00pm, I'll pick ya up. So bye bye!" Gin flash stepped away. 

I sighed. He has some major mood swings. 


"No, no, no. You absolutly can't wear that." Meigetusu sighed.

"What? It's not your date it's MINE! Go get a girlfriend or something!"

"I already have one." He stuck out his tongue at me.


"Shinso. Gin's Zanpakuto."

I gasped. "Then..." 

"Yup." Meigetusu nodded. 


Half an hour had gone by since 1:30.

"Meigetusu, I'm going to go check on Gin, change back into a Zanpakuto."

Meigetusu nodded and I started off. When I got to Gin's room, I knocked on the door. Then I kicked it down. A surprising scene welcomed me. An UGLY girl was on top of Gin. She looked so familiar. Omono Ko.

"Omono! What are you doing here?" I yelled at her!

"Call me Third Seat of the Fifth Squad. You are a child, Emona, you shouldn't be here, go back to the academy."

Me and Gin laughed. "Well, guess what, you should pay more respect to me, Omono."

"Why? I'm in a higher position than you." Omono fumed.

"Oh really? What if I told you that I'm lieutenant of the 3rd Squad." I crossed my arms. "Oh and, who do you have under you?"

Gin smirked. I smirked back. 

"Hoho! Emona! You shouldn't joke around with someone in a higher position than you!"

"I'm the lieutenant!" She made me so angry.

Gin jumped in. "Omono, ya shouldn't mess with ma lieutenant, she has higher reiastu than the Head Captain."

"Ohhh, Ginny, stop kidding around, leave this kid to me." Omono cooed. Gin frowned. I could tell he was annoyed.

"Omono! She is my lieutenant and girlfriend! Don't talk to someone in a higher position than you like that. She also has high reiastu and acheived Bankai already."

Omono's eyes widened. "What?!??!?!?!? Girlfriend?? Reiastu? Ugh! You always have better things than me, I'll get you someday!"

"Shiro-chan's in the 13th squad by the way!" I yelled as she ran out.

Looooong chapter..... 

I'm running out of ideas!!! So gimme ideas plzzzz! Arigato!!!

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