Chapter 5

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Emona's POV

I took out a bag of ohagi and handed it to Shiro. His eyes widened. 

"I'm in ohagi heaven!!!" I looked at the time, 11:29. Crap, it was late. I yawned. Shiro looked up.

"Oh! Sorry, I don't have any extra mats."

"Oh it's okay! I'll sleep on the floor."

" can sleep with me. Just like when we were younger."

Yay!!!! "Okay!!! It'll bring us back to the old times!" 


"Shiro-chan!!! Can I sleep with you again? I'm scared of those big monsters!!!"

"Okay, Emmy! But you don't have to be scared, I'll protect you from hollows!"

~Flashback Ends~

At that time, Shiro was a lieutenant. He came back every night. But soon, he didn't come, so I went looking for him. I look where it got me.

"Oh, Shiro, can I take a shower here?"

"Uh, sure." He looked around uncomfortably.

"You can go first if you like." I offered, hinting that we DEFINETLY won't be showering together. DUH!!!

He sighed in relief. "No it's okay, you can go first."

"Okay!! I'll be quick!" I walked into the bathroom, sighing. Shiro can be so old fashioned sometimes. 

"What's up, Emona-chan?" A familiar voice said. My head whipped up. Standing there in front of me is Ichimaru. What is he doing here...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I screamed forgeting he was my captian. I quickly smacked my hands over my mouth. 

He frowned. "I'm yar captian, yar suppose'd ta call me Captian Ichimaru, Emona-chan."

He called me da wrong suffix.. I'm not that close to him. 

"Um, sorry Captian Ichimaru, but please call me Emona-san, I'm not that close to you. Oh, and please get out of Captian Ukitake's bathroom."

He chuckled. "What happened to Shiro-chan, hm?"

I sighed, trying HARD to control my temper. "Please get out, I need to take a shower, it's late."

"Ya, go ahead. I didn't say ya can't take a shower did I?" He grinned even wider.

I wonder what Rangiku sees in him... "I can't take a shower with you in here, can I?"

"How come?" How come? HOW COME? WELL MAYBE BECAUSE YOU'RE A GUY!!!! 

"Just get out, I'm really tired today. Please go home and enjoy some time with Rangiku."

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