Extra Something

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emona- i think that, this story has encouraged me to star in your sequel, hunter. i will sign the contract for the sequel right now! 

hunter- sure! just sign here:                                                         

gin- i'm signing it too!

all arrancars- me too!, me too!

toshiro- i guess i'll sign.

byakuya- i can't disappoint my fans

hunter- you have no fans...

aizen- i'll sign too!

hunter- i don't want you coming back from the dead.

aizen- aww c'mon, you're a good writer, you can do it

hunter- really?

aizen- ye-

byakuya- no. you made me get rejected.

hunter- you deserve it. -.-

byakuya fans- NO HE DOESN'T!

hunter- well! ichi, shiro, wanna sign?

ichigo- i can't disappoint my bestie

shiro-(mutters) she's my bestie...

ichigo- hm? did you say something?

hunter ad gin- FISH STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! 


i don't want to complain but, i wrote 36/39 chapters but i only have 4 comments.... so please comment


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