Chapter 36

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"Combined Bankai? What's that supposed to be?"

"It's a Bankai of both of us combined. It uses a quarter of your reiatsu, or the total amount of Byakuya's reiatsu."

"Show me. Is it enough to defeat Aizen?"


I returned to my real world to find Gin and Toshi training with their Bankai. I sat up.

"Alright! What do I do?"

"Set up a barrier." fen's voice rang through nice and clear.

"hai!" I followed and set up a very strong barrier."Now what?"

"Subete no taka no yōso tenshi.(element angel of all high) Say those words, and concentrate all your reiatsu into it. You'll look pretty awesome, and feel pretty awesome too! You can even defeat the Old Man with it!" Mei excitedly explained.

"I'm not rebelling against Soul Society, if that's what you're implying."

"You better not."

Taking a deep breath, I pulled out both of my Zanpakutos. Holding them out in front of me, I took a seeo breath and shouted.

"Subete no taka no yōso tenshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" concentrating, and putting all the reiatsu I can into it, wind started to whip around my feet, then my Zanpakutos started glowing, and then they disappeared. I was lifted into the air and my hair turned white, I had on a plain white press, white wing spread out behind me, and I had no shoes.

"Where did all my….." I opened my eyes."Hey! Mei? Fen?"

"We're still here. But combined." both fen and mei's voice said at the same time.

"What do I do? What powers do I have?"

"You're an element angel now, you have four elements, fire, wind, water, and earth. Try using fire first. Think about fire and wave your hands at where you want the fire to go. Don't forget to concentrate your reiatsu."

I closed my eyes and thought about fire, concentrating, I swung my hand at the nearest rock. Fire came out from who-knows- where(probably my hand) and sprang at the rock, making the rock explode in flames.

"Now do the same with the rest of the elements."

I distingushed the flames with my water. Then I tried earth and flowers wrapped around the rock, next, I tried wind and wind came out.

"Cool!" I exclaimed and fainted.

Toshiro's POV

I noticed Emona and gaped, she had fire, water, flowers, and wind coming out from her hands. Then she fainted.

"Emo-"  I started.

"Emona!" Gin raced to her and shook her. "Hey Emona, wake up!"

She woke up and shook her head."What?"

"I think we should finish the trainin' for taday. Ya've gotten stronger, what's tha new move?"

"My combined Bankai!" she chirped then blacked out again. Gin picked her up and looked at me.

"She likes me, not ya. Stop flirting with 'er." he said and disappeared.

Flirt? I wasn’t flirting with her, I was just…. Caring for her.

Emona's POV

I popped open my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Noticing that no one was in the room, I sat up.

"Oh, Aiai!! You're awake!" my dad came in, cheerfully. "You were passed out for a day!"

"Oh! My emmy has awaken!" Gin came in with his cute, but creepy grin."Ya've had us worried!"

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