Chapter 2

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I don't own bleach....
And don't blame me if I kinda take long to update cuz I need to read too.

Last time..

I shunpoed to the 4th squad to see Emona rolling around on the floor. I fell as soon as I felt her reiatsu. It's suffocating me! It was so powerful. I feel so powerless. But, I feel pain looking at her scream and cry in pain.

Emona's POV

I woke up and looked around. It wasn't my room. Where was I? My headache was gone. Thank goodness. I sit up and looked beside me. I see Captain Ichimaru laying beside me. What was he doing here?

I slip out of the room unnoticed. I walk to my room for a shower and change if clothes. It must be really early 'cuz no one is up. I yawned and walked to my secret park. It has a pond in the middle that glows at night. It's filled with fish. At night, the sky fills up with stars and the open space lets you see it clearly. I also train here. It's really nice. I walk up to my fishes in my pond and feed them.

"Oi, little fishes, do you know what happens and why I have just massive headaches?"

I sighed and looked up into the sky. I checked the time and decided it was time to go back. I shunpoed to the 3rd Squad Office.


Gin Ichimaru's POV

I woke up and looked around the room. This isn't my room...

I sat up and tried to remember what happened yesterday. Oh right, I stayed with Emona last night when her reiastu finally calmed down. I looked to the left. She was gone...

I raced to her room. And knocked on the door. No one answered. I then ran to my office and saw her coming out.

"Where were you Emona?" I made sure my smile is on, I don't want her to worry about me.

"Oh sorry, Captain! I was uh.. somewhere... Oh heyyyy!!! Look at the time! I gotta go!! I'm at Captain Ukitake's just so you know."

Emona's POV

I ran to Captain Ukitake's office quickly. I was already a bit late.

"Shiro! Shiro! Are you here?"

Captain Ukitake comes running out.

"Em! I haven't seen you in so long! You've grown so much! I thought I heard your name when they announced you were lieutenant, but I never though that was you! "

Shiro was my star when we lived in Rukongai. He was older than me, but we were best friends.

Jushiro Ukitake's POV

So much paperwork!!! I peeked out from my pile of paperwork and sighed, where was my lieutenant when I need her?!?!?!

"Shiro! Shiro! Are you here?" Shiro... only one person called me that. Emona.. lieutenant of 3rd Squad..

I run out of my room to see Emona standing inside my office.

"Em! I haven't seen you in so long! You've grown so much! I thought I heard your name when they announced you were lieutenant, but I never though that was you! "

But there she was, standing in front of me. I pull her into big hug.

"Oh, Em, how I miss you! I'm sorry for not keeping my promise."

I mentally winced at the memory.


"Shiro, shiro, where are you going? Are you going to leave me?"

"It's okay Em, I'll come back I promise. Pinky promise."

I stuck my pinky out at her, we locked fingers. 

Flashback Ends

"It's okay Shiro. Sorry I couldn't visit earlier, I had an.. incident."

My eyes widened. I remembered about her reiastu problem. I pulled away and looked her in the eye.

"Em, I have something for you. It's supposed to help you control your reiastu."

I helped her put on the bracelet.

Emona's POV

I looked at the bracelet Shiro put on my wrist. It had two leaves on top of a flower. 

"Thanks Shiro."

I can finally walk around Serietei happily. I hugged him.

"Oh! I brought some ohagi for you!" Shiro loves ohagi. I see his eyes glimmer in excitment. I look through my bag and I see it,  but I pretend I didn't. I smack my forehead.

"Oh, no! I forgot it at home! I better go get it!" I slowly walked to the door. He grabbed my back and started looking around. He took out the ohagi.

"Aha! You were hiding it!" She unwrapped it and demolished it within seconds.


Gin Ichimaru's POV

I heard Emona's voice yell at Captain Ukitake and him begging for mercy. That didn't bother me.But her calling her Shiro and how they were best friends when they were small irritated me.

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