The Devil's Little One

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A/N: Motivation for this story was real strong from the start! It was one of those stories that once you just sit down and start, you don't stop until you have the whole thing finished. I loved writing this story myself, especially in describing the stupid situations that Dante forces his brother into, and how Vergil maintains his cool head, pretending to not care when it is obvious he is the one setting everything straight.

Pic Credits: User KotNarKot on 

[The Devil's Little One]

Vergil had been waiting for this day since he started living with his brother, and was in fact rather surprised that it had taken a total of five years for Dante to come home with bad news and a sour face. He made sure to compose his face well as his brother stood in front of the desk that he was currently sitting at in Devil May Cry, perusing over a gun magazine and wondering why a half-demon like Dante still wanted to spend money on such weapons when they could simply use their summoned swords for long-ranged needs.

"I fucked up, Vergil." Dante declared unhappily, frowning down at his brother as if it was Vergil's fault that things happened.

"That isn't news, Dante." Vergil answered calmly, looking up at his brother over the top of his magazine.

"I'm serious this time. I fucked up badly." Dante insisted, sending a frustrated hand through his white hair.

"What is it this time, Dante?" Vergil gave up trying reading the magazine now that Dante had found a temporary seat at the corner of the desk, obviously not about to leave until Vergil gave up to be his listening ear. "What have you done this time? Brought more trouble to Lady? Lost your weapons? Pissed off the wrong demons? Sold the office?"

"Worse." Dante's morose reply actually got Vergil a little worried for the shortest moment. "I got a woman pregnant."

Vergil stared at his twin brother in silence, then simply went straight back to his magazine as if Dante had never spoken at all, flipping back to the page that he had stopped at, continuing to read as if the conversation had closed on a satisfactory conclusion.

"What the fuck, Vergil! Give me some form of a response! Help me out of this!" Dante protested, leaning across the desk and grabbing the magazine out of his twin brother's hands.

"There's nothing to help you out with, Idiot." Vergil answered calmly, snatching the magazine back. "You created this mess yourself. You clean up your own ass."

"It was a mistake! I was drunk!"

"I've seen you do this for more the past five years that I've spent here, Dante. You having a kid is really not something I'm surprised that you end up with. Having sex without protection; I'm just surprised that it took you so long for your little things to get to the egg."

"Because I trained them not to get the egg! But one of them just had to do it." Dante protested.

"Well," Vergil could not help his smirk this time, "I guess rebellion is a particular streak that I'm sure you are familiar with."

"Not funny." Dante crossed his arms now, looking expectantly to his brother for help. "What now?"

"What else? If the woman doesn't want to abort the baby, and doesn't want to raise the child, then it's going to be you, Daddy Dante." Vergil answered with a straight face, but grimaced in a quick moment, spitting as if he had just tasted something extremely bad. "Damn, I can't believe I had the saliva to say those two words together."

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