My King At Night (Part Four)

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A/N: I'm back from my travelling journey to the northern part of Japan! Place was good, food was good, people was better! Back to the life of a student......

[My King At Night (Part Four)]

Lee Daehyun knew that something was wrong, and her heart pounded furiously in her chest, ready to jump out of her mouth anytime. She did not understand what was going on, and was a little fearful of what would happen in her near future.

She had received a letter today written by the Lieutenant General asking her to attend a dinner date with him. It wouldn't have given her so much fear if it was just a secret dinner date between the two of them -particularly after their confessions of love just the night before -but what had made her guards come up was the fact that not only had the letter come, but the Lieutenant General had also sent a small army of palace maids who had apparently been ordered to clean and prepare Daehyun for their dinner. She had caught a glimpse of the dress that the Lieutenant General had sent for her with the palace maids, and fear and admiration had filled her in equal parts.

Admiration, because the dress was the most beautiful dress that she had ever seen. Fear, because having her dress so nicely, and having maids to help dress her up in her most beautiful figure gave her an idea that it was going to be more than just a simple dinner date. The situation confused her greatly as well. The letter had been clearly signed off by the Lieutenant General, Lieutenant Generals did not have command over palace maids for whims like these. Besides, Daehyun was familiar with all the maids helping out in the Barracks, and none of the ladies who had appeared to help her out today were anyone she recognised.

For almost the whole process Daehyun found herself pampered, taking baths in a room filled with rose-scented water until the scent hung off her skin like a natural smell, having her hair done nicely, her dress attached in her piece by piece and her face powdered and made up nicely. With the accessories of gold and silver that she had never imagined she would ever get the luxury to see adorned on her, she sat in front of the mirror, utterly surprised at the woman who looked gracefully back at her.

That woman was supposed to be Daehyun... it felt completely unnatural.

"Lady Daehyun, we must leave now to be on time for the appointment." The leader of the group of maids who had come for her reported respectfully.

"Where is the meeting?" She asked, standing up. A few maids automatically helped her to hold up the short train behind her dress, knowing better than to allow it to drag along the floor. Was this kind of dress really necessary for a dinner date, or did the Lieutenant General want her to meet someone important?

"His Majesty's royal bedroom." The answer came, as Daehyun's heart skipped a beat and a half, some pieces of the puzzle fitting into place. She was going to meet the King, the man who had brought her into the palace.

She was finally going to meet him, along with the man who had promised to take her away from him.

The panicked thoughts flickered through her mind as she followed the maids on automatic out of the Ladies quarters, completely nonchalant of the horrified looks that the other harem ladies gave her. It appeared as if Daehyun had been the only person who hadn't known that she was being prepared to meet with the King.

Her footsteps became smaller and her feet became jelly the closer she neared the King's quarters. There had been so many times that she had walked past the building without walking in, but it was the first time she was being led into the building, where the man who had brought her into the palace was... It was the place where she knew she would be receiving His Majesty's wrath. A harem lady falling in love with a Lieutenant General; it was akin to treason. Daehyun knew all of it, but yet she found that she could not do anything against her fate. The Lieutenant General had asked of her to appear for the dinner, and Daehyun had to do it no matter what.

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