Ex-Boyfriend - Part Three

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[Ex-Boyfriend –Part Three]

"Let's break up."

The words stewed between us for long minutes as Vergil's eyes stared deep into me. I watched the colors in his eyes swirl, his face frozen as if permafrost has descended upon his features. He moved so little that I wondered if he was even still breathing, and the scariest part was that he blinked once per minute on average.

The silence staring went on until I couldn't take it anymore, escaping the loud questions in his gaze as I turned back to the scene of young families playing in the orange hue of the setting sun. Our date had been lovely; the transport was smooth, food was good, movie was entertaining and the weather had been perfect. The mood had been excellent, except for the fact that throughout the whole date, I knew that it was our last.

"You don't have to pretend that you didn't see this coming, Vergil. You and I both know that we have been getting too busy for each other. You've been busy setting up Devil May Cry with Dante, Lady and Trish, and I've been investing my whole body and soul into establishing myself in Audrey and Yessen... It's not fair for us to continue pretending that we are still dating when we don't even text each other for a few weeks at a time." I continued, desperate the fill in the empty conversation space between us.

Back when we were still law students, Vergil and I had run through many mock-trial sessions as opposing representatives. The man could talk. A lot. As long as it was to prove his point and protect his client.

But in situations like these, Vergil spoke not even a single word.

"Before you ask me; yes, I've thought things through. I'm not dumping you, and we're not breaking up because you or I have found another person to love. You're still the person I adore, but right now, we need to take a break from each other and focus on our jobs. Maybe we can be together again when things go right, but right now; I need to be single again."

"You don't have to be single to focus on your job." The first defense the man spoke was a factual, evened statement. "If you want time alone, we can take a break for as long as you want."

"There's no use holding on to this relationship when I'm talking about years apart, Vergil. I don't want to limit the both of us from any future relationship while we focus on our jobs. Perhaps you might meet a better girl than me during one of your jobs. Perhaps I meet someone more suitable for me eventually. I don't want us to turn bad, so let's just stop here and part while we are still amicable with each other." I shook my head.

"I'm not good enough for you?" Throughout my whole speech, it seemed as if Vergil had only focused on one single sentence.

"No, no, we've been perfect together. But we are on different paths now, and we plan to dedicate ourselves to that path that we walk on. I'm never going to turn my back on what I chose just to give in to you, and it's not fair for me to expect the same. So, the only solution is for us to break up."

"You really want this? Will you be happy with this?"

"Yes." I said confidently, not knowing that I would regret it eventually.


The man stood up from the bench we were sitting on, and immediately I felt cold on my side where his warmth had shielded me from the soft pre-winter wind. I watched as he turned and walked away without another word, his silhouette against the setting sun branded into my mind.

"It's a 99% match. The DNA from the sample that you provided us matches that of your fetus."

I blinked, and then suddenly I was sitting in an office, the smell of antiseptic strong in my nose. The woman sitting in front of me was at least ten years older than me, but the pity in her eyes was not something that I could ignore as she held the beige paper folder between her hands, watching me carefully as if expecting some sort of breakdown or freak-out session right there and then. I had no doubts that she had dealt with many such patients before; just that simply wasn't in my character to go through a whole intense session.

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