A Heartless Chase

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A/N: If Vergil Sparda asks for your heart, throw it away.

[A Heartless Chase]

The small bell attached to the door rang as it was swung open, and in came Vergil Sparda with his sword and trademark blue coat. Everyone in town knew Dante and Vergil Sparda. They were the only two people in the entire town who were capable of taking out demons, and the pay that they demanded was surprisingly reasonable. Perhaps it was because they were the only ones in the market to supply demon hunting services, they were able to make up for the low wages with enough jobs.

Regardless, seeing Vergil Sparda on a job was not particularly surprising as he walked into the antique shop.

"Someone called to check on the mirror?" He asked the cashier, no-nonsense expression hung. It was a face meant to intimidate everyone into efficiency, and this time was no different as the flustered cashier rushed to escort the man to the back where the newly donated items were stored, checked and repaired before they were allowed on the shelves.

"The mirror came in last week, but we haven't put it on sale yet because there isn't enough space to display it yet. We covered it with a white sheet, but they kept disappearing. We were wondering if there might have been mice stealing the sheet, but when my manager was in the room checking, his phone fell out from his pocket. It would normally have bounced off the surface of the mirror, but instead, it fell through. We tried to get it back, but we couldn't put our hands through. We tried with some other small things; they all fell through. But when we wanted to go through, we were stopped. My manager decided that there must be something demonic going on, so he called you." The cashier explained as he unlocked the door to the storage.

"It was a wise choice." Vergil answered, not even needing to be escorted to the object of interest. "I could feel demonic power the moment I stepped into the shop."

The cashier's face turned white with fear. "You mean there really is a demon in the mirror?"

"Demonic power." Vergil corrected, standing himself in front of the innocent-looking mirror. "It could be a demon, and it could also be the effect of a demon's curse. Still, no matter which it is, it isn't something you want selling."

"Thank goodness that you came, then." The cashier replied, following behind Vergil but making sure that the demon hunter stood in front of him like a shield against the object of interest.

"Where did the mirror donation come-" Vergil's question was interrupted when his eyes caught movement in the reflection on the mirror. One millisecond later, he felt the push from behind. It was a push made with an inhumane force, and for all of Vergil's training and half-demonic capabilities, he was still forced to stumble forwards.

The mirror glowed immediately as he stumbled, and he was blinded as he fell forward, through and into the mirror. He felt the tips of his shoes disconnect from the floor, and then he was falling through away from reality.


It was no longer surprising to see the handsome man standing with his back against the wall right outside the school entrance. Watching him was now a daily habit of the high school girls as the classes were dismissed, exchanging gossips about him excitedly. The aura that the stylishly-dressed man exuded prevented curious questions directed at him but it did not mean that he was immune to being the centre of many rumours.

Robyn Quist, however, was not one of such girls. Packing her bags silently without bothering herself with the noises that buzzed around her, she was one of the first few to be done. She offered no friendly goodbyes as she slung her bag over one shoulder and met no eyes as she –in her own world –walked through the mess of the noisy classroom and out to the corridor.

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