At The End Of Life

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A/N: It's a little bit early for my usual 2-week uploading schedule, but I'll do it earlier and take a short break next week. This chapter is a little bit out of the blue, so just bear with me for a while. This was based on and inspired by Webtoon "About Death" by Sini/Hyeono, and I really encourage people to try reading that because it really gave me some chills.

Halfway through the read you might wonder why is this chapter in Vergil's Oneshots. Firstly, I'm lazy to create another book title and have a summary written, so I will just upload here. Secondly, there is a surprise (actually it's a very shoddily put together 'surprise') at the end that relates to Dante and Vergil, so it's all good :)

At The End of Life

"You are awake. Come." The first greeting was more or less established to be the standard by now. "The road is long; we can review on your story as we walk."

"W-Where is this?" The meek, worried question was also more or less the standard reply that they received most of the time.

"You are in Haven, the place after life." The conversation was still going along the stretch of normalcy; nothing too much out of the ordinary.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" The reply was less scared now, more regretful and sad.

"Yes, you are." The figure who answered was dressed in a stylish crimson red coat that reminded Sara Dustin of the blood she saw right before she passed out (and apparently died). The man was wearing a fitting black t-shirt and comfortable black trousers with sensible loafers, and the colour was striking against the white background of Haven around them.

"Come. We walk while we talk." The second voice said, and Sara Dustin looked past the figure standing directly in front of her and offering her a hand. The second man had a face that looked almost exactly the same.

The second man, however, was wearing a blue coat instead of a red one, with its collar popped up stylishly. Sara also saw black shirt, trousers and loafers on the man. Neither man held anything nor wore any other accessory as they stared at her with their striking blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Sara asked while she slipped her hand into the one from the offering Red Man.

"We are Gods. We look after people like you and guide you to your rebirth." Red Man answered, pulling her with strength to her feet. "Come. He'll get angry if we don't start walking soon."

"Why?" Sara asked, but followed instructions anyway. "Are we rushing for time?"

"Every few seconds, someone on Earth is dying. We usher every soul in this plane of Afterlife. In effect, we have less than a few seconds for each of you." Red Man answered as they caught up with Blue Man, who immediately turned and started walking towards the door at the far end of the place, with a yellow glow in the doorway.

"Then won't you guys run out of time? You have already spent more than a minute with me here." Sara asked in surprise.

"Seconds don't work here like they do on Earth." Blue Man answered quickly.

"What he means is that we as Gods have the power to stretch time. One second as you know it on Earth may be the equivalent to a year here. Likewise, if we want it, a hundred years in on Earth may be equivalent to a second here." Red Man added in explanation, clearly used to the short, generally not very helpful answers that Blue Man often gave confused newcomers like Sara.

"So you two meet people of all ages and time?"

"We are gods." Blue Man said shortly, as if that sufficed enough as an answer.

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