New Perspective

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A/N: I've been looking forward to uploading this chapter since I haven't enjoyed writing a chapter like this in quite some time.

[New Perspective]

"Look, Verge. I picked up a new toy during the mission today." Dante interrupted his brother's silent and concentrated reading by poking the item in question between his face and the pages of the book.

It did not take long for Vergil's eyes to focus on the wooden material sitting on top of his pages, before he looked up in annoyance at his brother's rude interruption.

"Keep that away safely." He said, brushing the new toy away from his book quickly. "Don't play around with a witch's staff, because you can trigger anything without knowing how. I don't want to know how you got that on your mission, but the best thing to do with this is to sell it to another witch."

"This is a witch's staff?" Dante asked, drawing the weapon back and studying it with more interest now that more details had been revealed. "Cool."

Vergil didn't bother himself with his little brother as he continued his reading, but from the corner of his eyes he easily recognised that Dante had not heeded his advice and was currently swinging the staff around and pretending to be a wizard. For a fully-grown adult, Dante's brain had clearly not grown up equally quickly. Still, the chances of Dante triggering some sort of spell was rather low, considering the fact that Dante knew no spell phrase. Vergil knew one or two despite the fact that he was no witch, but he would rather die than to let Dante be aware of his knowledge.

"I realised that I actually have never tried using a staff as a weapon before." Dante observed, obviously talking to Vergil despite the fact that Vergil had done his best to make clear that he wanted to focus on his reading. Now, Dante was swinging the staff around, using it to stab invisible enemies instead of blabbering weird sounds trying to make spells.

"Be careful with that." Vergil reminded his brother, still not looking up from his reading, but able to hold a conversation nonetheless. "The jewel at the tip holds the most magic. If you break the jewel, you're going to trigger something you can't reverse unless you find another witch."

"Come on, Verge. Have a bit more faith in me, won't you? I'm a demon hunter, not a little child who can't keep his hands on-" Dante's fate with irony was legendary, because as he spoke and spun to face Vergil with the staff still spinning in his hand, the tip of the weapon landed on the corner of the table.

The sound of glass shattering drew Vergil out from his reading, but all he saw was a blinding flash of blue, and then he blacked out.


Vergil stirred from his darkness after a short while, the remnants of a headache fading away as he put a hand on his forehead to rub away the pain. Irritation came quickly while the headache faded at the remembrance of all that had happened before he blacked out, and he sat up, opening his eyes quickly –blinking a few times against the light –to find Dante's face not very far from his.

What was strange was the complex expression written on Dante's face while blue eyes stared at him. It would be best described as wonder, amusement, confusion, and satisfaction. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no inch of guilt written in those blue orbs that stared back at Vergil, which irritated him even more.

"You should pray that nothing happened to-" The beginning of Vergil's threat was cut off halfway when he heard another voice say the words he had thought he said.

Surprised, because he was rather sure that he heard that voice coming from himself, he touched his throat and made a sound. "Aaa."

And stopped immediately when his fingers felt vibration. It was him. It was his voice... but it was girlish. It was much higher than his usual tone, and it was the sound of someone remarkably feminine.

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