The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil - 1

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A/N: In case anyone doesn't know, 'Chibi' is a colloquial term used for the younger self of someone. Therefore, Chibi Vergil is basically Young Vergil. There will be a few parts for 'The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil', all untitled, but they are all one-shots and unrelated to each other. We will start the first one with Chibi Vergil and Chibi Dante on Valentine's Day :)

Try to pretend that the children's speech are all filled with mispronunciations and childish lisps, because I'm really terrible at writing intelligible lisps. For example, words ending with 'st' or 't' usually ends up as 'f'-sounds.

[The Adventures of Chibi Vergil – 1]

"Boys and girls, do you know what we celebrate on February 14?" Alexandra smiled at the class of toddlers sitting in front of her dressed in the uniform issued by the kindergarten. Big bright eyes looked at her in anticipation for the lesson of the day.

"It's the day when Daddy gives Mummy flowers and tells her 'I love you!'" Mindy Annabelle piped up happily, branding a cheap plastic flower up in a prideful show. "I got a flower from Daddy as well!"

"That is correct, Mindy." Alexandra smiled. "That is a pretty flower. Did your daddy give something as pretty to your mummy as well?"

"Mummy got chocolates today morning!" Olivia chipped in. "Mummy loves chocolates."

"That's very good. Does anyone else still remember what their parents might have given each other today morning?"

"Daddy gave Mummy a heart attack." One of the boy piped up now, a clearly delighted grin hanging shamelessly on his face. "She said she almost lost half her life. She said Daddy is crazy. He gave her a chocolate. Right, Vergil?"

"Why is that?" Alexandra asked with soft curiosity.

"Daddy hasn't cooked anything that can be eaten by a human since we were born. He swore that he didn't buy it from anywhere else. But he can't cook." The most obedient boy of the class -incidentally the most well-liked boy despite his coldness and seriousness in all situations -replied duteously.

"Is that so?" Alexandra asked with a laugh. "I didn't think that your father looked like someone who could not cook well."

"He almost killed me when I ate his porridge when Mummy was sick!" Dante volunteered happily, clearly excited to have some personal input in the class despite the fact that he was innocently airing shameful facts of his own father.

"Let us come back to the lesson, shall we? February 14 is Valentine's Day. It is the day that we give chocolates and flowers to the people that we like and tell them we love them. Don't you all have someone you want to give chocolates and flowers to?"

The enthusiastic cheer from the class full of excited energetic children was loud, though an excited hand shot up, waving to get attention while asking for permission to speak.

"Yes, Dante?" Alexandra was a little cautious of the young boy's imminent words. Despite being the twin brother of the most obedient boy in the class, Dante acted like a foil to his brother good deeds. The younger twin was playful and mischievous and tended not to think before speaking –which sometimes had ended up saying insensitive things that made the sensitive young girls of the class cry.

"But Miss Alex, I want chocolates. Can I give myself some? I like myself."

"No, Dante. You should give your chocolates to someone you like. If someone likes you, they will give you their chocolate." Alexandra answered with a laugh at how childishly smart Dante was.

"What if I exchange with Vergil? I like him, and he likes me." Dante pondered.

"Miss Alex," Vergil spoke up, raising his hand to get attention as well. "I plan to give the chocolates to Mummy because she deserves it. I am not giving Dante any, because he will only be getting fatter, and Mummy hates that."

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