Devil Trigger

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A/N: This one-shot may be seen as a continuation from [Welcome Home], or on its own since both describe my imagination of an alternative/extended ending to DMC5.

[Devil Trigger]

Personality: Post-DMC5 Vergil

"Hey!" Nero yelled in frustration as he pulled the trigger of his gun into the mouth of the nearest demon. The charged shots came out from the double-barrel of his gun, blasting demonic juices around, though Nero had already moved out of its trajectory.

Unfortunately, someone else passed where Nero stood milliseconds later in a flash and was caught in that spray as he stopped his footsteps to give a disdainful look at his stained coat.

"Who taught you to hunt demons like that? You fight like a child." Vergil asked in annoyance, critical eye cast on his son while tracking the younger demon hunter's movement through the crowd of demons around them. He could not see Dante in his immediate surrounding, but if his younger brother could not even hold his own against this meagre group of demons, then the world would have truly fallen.

"It's your fault that you got in the way!" Nero yelled back, swinging his weight behind his sword in a roundhouse slice to drive away the demons that were getting too close. "And who taught you to fight like that? Didn't your father teach you that it's not polite to steal kills from other hunters?"

"You talk big, but your actions show otherwise." Vergil scoffed at his son, casually stabbing the demon that had been trying to sneak up on him with his sheathed sword. A moment later, Vergil had closed the distance between himself and Nero, getting rid of whatever demons that had been within his vicinity with his hard, unforgiving slices. His target proved through as he skewered through the heart of another demon that had been trying to sneak up on Nero. "You do well in a one-on-one fight, but when you are in a situation like this, your defence is full of holes."

"That's only because you're getting in my way, old man!" Nero shouted in his frustration, swinging his arm at his father in hopes of knocking Vergil out of the way. "You broke another combo again!"

"That demon that I saved you from?" Vergil summoned a rain of sword to clear their immediate surrounding so that he could have a good, short conversation with his son before the group closed in again to demand their actions. "Any 'combo' that you speak of was hardly possible given its proximity."

"Yeah? Well, you're forgetting that I got two more extra hands after that whole crazy day at the Qliphoth tree." Nero challenged back, and summoned his glowing neon wings to prove his point, paired with a glare. "Now can you stop getting out of my way? You're just a dead weight interrupting my combos!"

"Dead weight?" Vergil repeated, his facial expression turning hard. "You call me a dead weight?"

One moment later, the son of Sparda had his most powerful form triggered, and Nero found himself facing down a very scary version of his father as Vergil's own wings unfurled from his being and took to the air above them.

"I will show you 'dead weight'. You may have won the fight on the top of the Qliphoth once, but that was only because I sustained injuries sparring with Dante." Vergil declared, and swept their immediate field with both his sword and his wings, clearing a large circle around Nero who stood staring in disbelief at his father's move.

"Stop giving ridiculous excuses and accept the fact that you've gotten old." Nero was definitely not one to back down as he activated his full demonic form as well, and followed his father into flight.

Dante sat on top of the nearby rooftop, watching as the flying beings not only obliterate all demons around them, but also started sparring against each other once more. The mission had been another normal one; all low-levelled demons that flooded in quantity rather than quality on the streets. There had really been no need for all three descendants of Sparda to take part in the mission, but Vergil had been bored with nothing to do, and Dante had to follow to keep an eye on his twin brother just in case the man decided that staying around Nero was too boring and went off looking for power again.

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