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A/N: Happy Father's Day! Have you told your father that you love and cherish him yet?


Rin Sparda stood before the apartment building, silently counting the floors in her head. Her eyes landed on the sixth floor apartment, not knowing what to feel when she saw that it was not different from the rest of the windows. The same layer of dust coated the windows on the sixth floor as they did on the other floors, and from her angle she could see nothing inside.

She gave a heavy sigh, hiked her bag further up her back, grabbed the handle of her luggage and walked into the apartment building.

It was not as rundown as she imagined, at least. There was still a recognisable lobby and a normal-looking apartment manager who smiled at her with a certain air of professionalism. She smiled back, but asked no questions since she knew where the person she was currently visiting stayed. She didn't really feel up to telling the manager that she was about to be staying here for the next few weeks yet.

The lift was nice, and that was all that she could say for it as she rode it upwards. She had seen many better living apartments, but this one was not as bad as she initially imagined it to be. Many things were slowly turning up as not as bad as she imagined it to be, but Rin had to admit that she did imagine many things to be very bad. It was her own biasness at work, after all. She could not help it; the man himself had always said that it was better for her to not follow him home no matter how curious she might be of him because it was dangerous and not meant for a young little girl like her.

But that had been when she was much younger and much more immature. Now that she was fourteen, Rin wagered that she knew at least how to take care of her basic daily needs and vocalise any discomforts that she might have. It was a temporary stay after all. She wasn't going to be staying here for years. Just a few weeks to get through, and then her mother would be back from the business conference overseas to fetch her back to their mansion.

The bell chimed for the sixth floor and opened up to a simple plain corridor that had no decorative anywhere. Used to having large corridors and many displays around in her mansion, Rin felt a little weird walking past the doors, feeling as if any of them could possibly just open and grab her. Still, she was past the age to be freaked out by plain-looking doors. She held on tightly to her luggage, dragging it behind her as she kept an eye out on the door plates for the correct unit number that she had been directed to.

There wasn't much chance of her getting the wrong place. After sending her mother off at the airport, Rin had been driven here by their driver personally. The address of the building could not possibly be wrong, and Rin was very sure that she had gotten off at the sixth floor. All she needed was to find unit 609, and then she would reach her destination.

Unit 609 turned out to be the apartment at the far end of the corridor, and she pulled her luggage to a stop beside her, facing the door fully with a sense of uncertainty. Her mother had told her during the drive to the airport that she had specifically made sure that he would be at home to receive her. There was no possibility for Rin to find the apartment empty and void of life if she knocked now.

All she needed now was to dredge a little bit of courage, to meet the man who was her family, but practically a stranger. The last time she had seen him was when she was ten, and when he came over, she had been busy at her piano lesson, and then doing homework. She didn't talk to him then, and he had ended up going home after talking shortly to her mother. Apparently he had dropped by once after that time, but she had been out of the house with her friends when he came and so they had missed each other once more.

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