Love or Revenge

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A/N: When Vergil goes full-psycho, but still having that strength of heart and unfaltering determination to bring him everywhere he goes, to make him do whatever he does. In short, Vergil as a man.

[Love or Revenge]

When you sleep on the bed beside me, and I lay by my side, propping one elbow against the pillow and watching you in your peaceful slumber, an unspeakable warmth fills my heart. I have only experienced this type of warmth once in my life before, and the memory that accompanies this feeling is rosy and perfect. Very much like what you are.

My perfection.

A perfection that should never be mine, but still somehow managed to wander its way by my side.

I, with complete honesty, don't know what you see in me. I don't know what you want from me or what you think I can give you, but I can only continue to grasp at the straws and do my best to go by what I already know to make you happy, to keep you loving, to keep you mine. Even this streak of possessiveness in me –it would have turned away thousands of women but still you sleep here so vulnerable beside me.

The air around us is silent and still, the night's chill never reaching you because I have made sure to draw the covers over your bare shoulder. You are wearing your nightly camisole, but you don't know how badly I wish to take it off you.

Forgive me, I am a man in biology and in heart. You are the angel of perfection that has waltzed into my life, and the carnal side of me wants to do impure things to you, to feel you against me, to have a sheen of sweat coating your bare white skin as we race towards an end point together in screams. I have endlessly imagined and fantasized, but you do not seem ready and thus I control my own manly urges and watch you at night, hoping and waiting patiently for that one day where you will appear before me in the pure nude perfection that I have dreamt about.

And because you are well asleep by now, I am unafraid of disturbing your peaceful rest when I lean forwards and give you a light kiss on your forehead, watching your face to make sure that I gain no form of reaction.

My dear Dia, you don't know how beautiful you look to me at this very moment that you are asleep, no makeup and no pretty dresses on.

I drift back to the memories of how we spent the night together. Our date had been completely sweet, and I had been living in my own cloud of joy and happiness when it just suddenly came crashing down on my shoulders. Because you asked a question.

"I am worried for you, Vergil." You said after you cleared your palette with a quick sip of the wine that I had carefully selected for your appreciative taste bud. "What if something happens to you when you go out in search of your revenge? I'm always scared when you say you are going out to look for your brother."

I remember that I was surprised at the sudden abrupt change in topic, but it becomes obvious to me that you have been thinking about this for some time already, because there is no wavering in your eyes when I look into your eyes to see nothing but troubled truth.

"I am a son of Sparda, Dia." I had answered you with much careful thinking, hoping that you would understand. It is not that I love you less. It is not that I do not respect your wishes. But I hoped that you would understand that I had been searching for this since my youth, much earlier before I met you. If you are looking for fairy tales where the main character gives up his goal in sacrifice for the girls that he loves, you will find no satisfactory answer within me. "Do not worry for me. I won't do something stupid. You mean much to me right now to even consider putting myself in danger."

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