Couple Days

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A/N: Sometimes, you really just have to slow down the pace of life and appreciate the person who is next to you all this while. Here are a few scenarios of the warmths of a long-lasting relationship.

[Couple Days]

Day 1:

Riko had a frown hung on her face when she closed the fridge door and walked from the kitchen back into the living room empty handed.

It had been too hot for them to go out on a date, and thus the afternoon had gone by slowly with her boyfriend simply engaging in his favourite hobby of reading, and she had just sat beside him on the couch watching TV. She hadn't cuddled up to him simply because the weather was too hot and her body heat alone was already enough to make her sweat buckets.

Instead of taking a seat on the couch again, though, she walked until she stood behind her boyfriend, then reached forwards and grasped his head with both her hands, tilting it back so that he would be forced to turn his attention looking up and slightly backwards at her while she bent forwards, looking down at his beautiful upside-down face.

"Answer me honestly." She said seriously at the softly smiling face of her boyfriend.

"What is it?"

"Yesterday night I picked up one of my favourite Billy Brand milk pudding. I remember putting it in the fridge when I came home yesterday night, but it is doing a disappearing act on me now. I'm pretty sure that it hasn't grown legs and walked away, and there is only one other person in the house living with me." Riko started to state her case, looking at the blank face that looked back at her. He was good at hiding things and pretending innocence, but there was only one suspect who had the hands and legs to go stealing the innocent milk pudding that Riko had been planning to eat.

"Did you check the freezer?" He asked innocently. "You accidentally forgot and put your pudding in the freezer once."

"I checked." Riko answered. "It wasn't in the freezer or any place in the fridge. Will you tell me where it has gone?"

"Maybe a cat came in from the window. We live low enough to the ground for cats to come." He suggested now.

"A cat that opened the fridge and carefully removed my milk pudding and left without a trace?"

"You will be surprised at how skilled cats can be."

"I was thinking that the culprit might be more human-like than a cat." Riko answered, knowing that her boyfriend was just trying to make her side-track so that she could forget the fact that her milk pudding had been stolen without her permission.

"It was Dante." He suggested now, and that argument might have held once, because Riko knew that Dante was a person who never asked about anything in the fridge and took everything on the assumption that it was meant for him.

"We are not living with your brother anymore." She reminded her boyfriend. "We moved out of his house four months ago, remember?"

"We did?" The shameless question and obviously faked surprise was good enough evidence for Riko to confirm her suspicions, but she would not rest until she wrenched a confession out of him.

"I won't start cooking dinner until I have the culprit found." She threatened lightly, and the effect was instantaneous.

"I did it." The reply came immediately, and though there was very little guilt in that confession, at least Riko had managed to get an acknowledgement out of him. Truly, there was nothing that squeezed the truth out of her boyfriend faster than the threat of not getting dinner. In that sense, he was almost exactly alike to his twin brother, because Dante had been equally, if not twice, as desperate to do anything as long as he received some home-cooked food on his plate.

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