The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil - 4

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A/N: Back to Chibi Vergil! A person's character during childhood and adulthood can completely be different, can't it?

[The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil – 4]

3 year old Vergil Sparda woke up from dreams of falling into a volcano crater and drowning in lava. Stirring at the disturbance that had pulled him out of his fiery dream, Vergil felt a sheen of sweat on his skin and lots of uncomfortable heat beneath his skin. In fact, his shirt was heavy and sticky, and he feared for a moment that he might still be in the lava pool.

Shifting his position on the bed, Vergil became aware that something hot was being pressed against him and warming up the sheets around him and making him sweat. Cracking one eye open slowly, he was just in time to see a hand peel off his covers and immediately felt gratifying cool air touch his skin.

"Vergil, Dante, it's time to wake up." He recognised his father's soft and gentle voice speaking.

To signal to his father that he had heard, Vergil began to stretch and wriggled as much as he could out of the hot and stuffy covers that was now folded back, keeping his eyes closed. He gave a lazy yawn, stretching as much as he could until he could almost feel a comfortable ache in his muscles.

"Oh dear." He heard his father say, and then strong hands snaked around Vergil's back. It was not long before the strong hands that Vergil knew belonged to his father carried him up, and rested him on a soft but firm and warm chest and shoulder. Knowing that he was in very safe hands, Vergil shifted himself into a comfortable position within his father's familiar hold, rested his head on his father's shoulder, and let his barely awake self-fade back into the welcoming embrace of sleep.

Holding one son against his shoulder in one hand, Sparda used his free one to feel the forehead of his other son once more just for good measure, frowning slightly when the temperature difference he felt on the two hands became much more obvious. The two boys were both sweating buckets –as evidenced by the water droplets dotting their foreheads and soaking their shirts –but the poor sick one was still in the deep clutches of sleep.

Hoping to cool down the poor boy, Sparda peeled the covers back off his son, then climbed off their bed quickly and nimbly. He could feel the steady breathing of a boy falling back asleep on his shoulder, and so he kept quieter than usual and walked gentler than normal as he walked out of the boys' bedroom.

Sparda had been on waking duties for the day, but it seemed like neither boys were intending to wake up just as yet. Walking back to the kitchen where he and his loving wife had already finished their breakfast in peaceful lovingness, Sparda set his sleeping child on one of the highchairs they had for both boys, strapping the boy onto the seat. Wiping the drool off the corner of the sleeping boy's mouth, he made sure that the boy wouldn't topple into anything dangerous sitting in the highchair before going back to his wife's side.

"Vergil has a fever." Sparda reported. "Dante seems okay. I'll bring Vergil down to the doctor later today after he wakes up and eats a little bit."

"A fever?" Eva repeated, wiping her hands on a dry cloth nearby as she finished the last of the dish washing from their finished breakfast. "Dear me."

Then, spying one of their boys strapped on the high chair, still drooling and head bowed limply in heavy sleep, Eva walked quickly over and propped the heavy head back a little with one hand, checking for temperature with the other.

"Hmm? Vergil doesn't have a fever." Eva remarked in surprise after a short while, turning to look at her husband in confusion, putting a hand to her own forehead just to be very sure of the normal body temperature. "He's a little bit wet with sweat, but he isn't feeling very hot to me."

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