Wedding Crasher

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A/N: Welcoming 2019 with a short story! 

[Wedding Crasher]

Vergil's phone rang just as the cab pulled into the lobby of the hotel. Throwing a few notes enough to cover for the cab fare, paired with instructions for the cabbie to keep the change, Vergil picked up the call impatiently as he got off the vehicle, looking around to get his bearings quickly.

"What?" He barked shortly.

"I guessed right. Guess I still know you well enough to predict that you'll go running after her if you saw the wedding invitation on the table." Dante's satisfied voice in his ear did nothing to ease his nerves at the moment. Vergil itched to hang up the call, but he believed his brother would not be as pointless as to call him with no information.

"You were the one who put it there?" Vergil guessed he should have known. How could the wedding invitation have grown legs and walked all the way from the bin to a very visible spot on the table?

"I had a feeling that things were not as 'over' as you said. You wouldn't have bothered to throw away the invitation if you really didn't care." Dante answered knowingly, and at the moment Vergil was not sure if he should curse or thank his twin brother for knowing him so well.

"Did you really call just to check if I'm at the hotel?" Vergil demanded as he ran through the open sliding doors of the hotel lobby, looking around wildly.

"No, but I thought you would want to know that the reception is happening in Function Room 2. It's on the second floor." Dante said, and Vergil was suddenly very glad that he had not hung up on his brother yet, because he realised that if Dante hadn't informed him, he would have spent precious time finding out where his target was.

"Got it. Thanks." He said shortly, running towards the stairs that led to the second floor, dismissing a helpful hotel staff that had been in the process of approaching him to find out what he needed.

"Good luck, and don't make a mess of the situation." Dante bade, and Vergil did not have the breath to reply that there was no way to avoid making a mess of the situation given what he was planning. Dante hung up on the call, and Vergil took the stairs two by two as he pocketed his phone.

He kept his thoughts singular and focused as he ran down the long, opulent corridor. If he allowed himself more thoughts, he knew that his footsteps would slow down, and he might actually turn back and go home without achieving anything. Thinking and rationalising had all he had done for the past few months, and when he had walked out of his room earlier in the day to find the wedding invitation miraculously appearing in front of him on the table, his thoughts had stopped. In the silence of the absence of his thoughts, he had finally heard his heart.

It was not hard to find Function Room 2 given the helpful signs in the hotel corridors, and he pulled himself to a stop right outside the door. He paused to catch his breath, dragging a hand through his hair to drive his fringe out of his face. He had rushed out of house without thinking to throw on anything decent or worthy of a wedding, and the only thing relative presentable enough for his status was his full-length coat.

Still, he wasn't here to attend a wedding. He was here to stop one.

Through the door, he could hear the scattered sound of applause before a voice spoke through the microphones throughout the hall.

"Without further ado, the moment we have all been waiting for. Will the bride and the groom please come up to the stage to proceed with the signing?"

Applause happened again, and Vergil breathed a sigh of relief to know that he had not arrived too late. The situation was still salvageable; the wedding hadn't started for very long at all.

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