Ex-Boyfriend - Part One

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A/N: Hello. Did you think I have forgotten Vergil's Oneshots?

[Ex-Boyfriend –Part One] 

I will just say it outright: having Vergil Sparda as an ex is never a good idea.

It wasn't even as if we had broken up on bad terms. There had been no abuse, no cheating and no dramatic third-party involved during our break-up at all. No, it had just been a natural fading of passions on both ends: he was busy with his work (or at least, the start of his work), and I was busy with mine.

Perhaps if we hadn't gotten together when we were younger –we were an official couple back in our college days and assumed naturally that jobs were not going to play a big factor in our relationship –we might have lasted longer.

Perhaps if I wasn't so focused on trying to establish myself within my firm –I had great plans to be a self-made woman in the working world –then maybe I would have tried harder to keep our relationship together. But the fault wasn't my own; Vergil himself took some blame for why we drifted apart.

I mean, I knew about his cold and careless personality from the moment I met him. I had been totally fine with his complete self-confidence (people who didn't know him well called him arrogant), and even his apathy towards people outside of his circle (people called that heartless). We complemented each other well when we were in college –we dated at our own leisure time, and we were sensitive to each other's troubles in studies. We were each other's comfort –not that he needed much comforting at all considering how capable he was –when times were hard.

But all of that faded away when we went out to work. The warning signs were already flashing when I joined a prestigious law firm to carry out the practice after I got my Bar, and Vergil diverged from a law degree to be a demon hunter. I didn't have complaints to that –my boyfriend could do whatever he wanted to do as long as it wasn't illegal.

But the problem was how different the nature of our work became. I worked in an office all day, dealing with corporate slaves and cunning businessmen. My weapon of work was my quick thinking, pointed words and sharper wits.

Him? While he -and his brother -was studying to get a demon-hunting licence, he was outside all day, dealing with demonic invasions, disgusting critters from which origin I didn't even want to start thinking about. His weapon of work was his quick reflexes, his pointy summoned swords and the sharper-than-anything-I-have-ever-seen katana that was passed down from his father.

Yeah, go figure what kind of father would give his sons (no, not singular, sons as in the plural form) swords for their fifth birthday? If I was being completely honest, I was constantly appalled at the fact that Vergil's brother hadn't accidentally sliced off his head back when they were younger.

Back to the original point, Vergil and I split up very amicably. We knew that we were busy people, and that we needed a break from being a couple. I had completely no time or interest to go out looking for a new boyfriend after breaking up with Vergil –and I was quite sure that he was the same. Besides, I liked to think that I was one of the rare women who could enter his world, based on basically how accepting of his anti-social behaviors I was.

I have probably made myself sound like a saint for having dated Vergil. But trust me, beneath that seemingly 'very-desirable' bachelor, the man is less of a Pandora Box and more of a can of worms...


"Hello?" I picked up the phone, instantly trapping it between my cheek and one uplifted shoulder while returning my hands to the keyboard, typing furiously. The defense paper was due to be submitted at noon the next day, and I was only halfway through. The new-hire had made a mess of the first draft, and there had been no one else I could have thrown the case to. I had a very long night ahead of me, and the office was already completely dark.

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