Super Fangirl

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A/N: Finished DMC5 two days after release, and no regrets whatsoever about the time it took >.< VERY satisfied at what Capcom gave, especially about Nero and Vergil (not giving any details just in case some readers have not played it yet). 

But now that DMC5 is released, I think it will be fair for me to announce at the start of every chapter which mindset (post DMC4SE or post DMC5) one should operate on when reading the part. Since some things happen in DMC5 that slightly changed my impression of Vergil's personality, it will be safe to say that my later depictions of Vergil will slowly reflect this change. But for this and approximately 10 more upcoming chapters, these chapters were written before DMC5 came out, so please operate on the assumption that Vergil's personality is what we know (or fantasise) given information until DMC4SE.

[Super Fangirl]

Personality: DMC4SE/Pre-DMC5 Vergil

Kizu A'reth had never been happier. In fact, she was so happy that she even kissed her father goodbye on his cheek when he left for work in the early morning, waving to him brightly from the doorstep even as he walked away without a second look backwards.

The reason why she was so happy was simple. Just the day before, her family of three had moved into her favourite city of the two worlds that she knew: Lebiz. The place actually had nothing very special to mention; it was just the second biggest city in the country, had decent facilities and did not suffer any particular environmental or political problem. But Lebiz was Kizu's favourite city for multiple reasons, which if traced to the root, actually came from one very important character in her life: Vergil, The Dark Slayer.

"I'm going out! I'll see you later!" Kizu yelled to her mother as she ran to the door.

"Kizu darling, wait." Her mother's call made her hesitate and she looked back to see her mother looking into the doorway from the kitchen. "Tell your father I won't be back tonight. I've got a job."

"Already?" She replied, surprised. Well, actually Kizu wasn't sure why she was still surprised anymore. With her mother being a Type AA demon, getting a job at the local hostess club was something that required less energy than flicking dust of her shoulder. Still, Kizu had been the most eager one of the family to move into Lebiz and hadn't expected her parents to be able to set their roots so quickly.

"Your mom needs her entertainment too, Kizu." Ineth A'reth answered with a genuine smile. "Your dad is out there having his fun; why shouldn't your mom do too?"

"But Dad comes back every night after watching the humans plot against each other every day. You don't come back for days sometimes." Kizu said.

"It's all fun and games. Watching the men struggle with their conscience while staying with me is really an enjoyment. You should try it sometimes." Her mother said with her excited smile. "Besides, Ralmak joins me sometimes and we watch them go crazy thinking that they have been made a cuckold of."

"I don't understand your enjoyment, Mom." Kizu answered with a shake of head. "But I guess that's what being demon is all about for you guys."

"You will understand when you get older. You're only 300."

"Then let me stay 300 forever." Kizu checked her watch, then squealed in shock. "I can't talk anymore, Mom. I'll see you when you come back!"

"Remember, don't be a good girl, but don't show that you're a demon too!" Her mother bade as Kizu jammed her feet into a sensible pair of shoes and ran dashing out of the front doors. She would usually teleport to the place that she wanted to be, but the problem was that Lebiz was a new place for her, and without a visual image in her mind, she couldn't teleport.

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