Ex-Boyfriend - Part Two

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[Ex-Boyfriend –Part Two]

"Riss, why didn't you tell me earlier that you were related to the Spardas?" The suddenly question that attacked me out of nowhere made me look up from my computer at my boss, also the Managing Partner of the firm.

"What makes you say that I am related to them?" I asked nonchalantly in reply. Over my years working in the firm, I had more or less developed a friendly relationship with Mr. Audrey. While the man himself was a bachelor and notorious for using his charms, wits and money to get him any woman he wanted, I was constantly grateful for the fact that he knew his professional boundaries very well. Ever since finding out about my status as a single mother, Mr. Audrey had never tried to flirt with me ever again.

"I just met one of them at court today, and he stopped by to ask me how you were doing. He seemed to know you on first name basis, and I know you don't allow anyone to call you by your first name unless you are comfortable with them."

"A Sparda man that calls me by first name and stops a managing partner at the firm where I work to ask about me... What did you tell Dante?"

"Wow, you must know the both of them well if you could pin down which twin just by my words. I told him that you were still your busy self, and that you've been an asset to the firm. He seemed glad that you were doing well, and he said he hadn't seen you in years." Mr. Audrey replied, then leaned forward on the desk –ironically in the same way a certain other Sparda man had done not very long ago. "So, how do you know the Spardas, and why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Oh, I'm not very close with them anymore. We knew each other from long ago, and Dante was always the kind who pretends he is best friends with everyone. I didn't tell you anything because I wasn't in contact with them anymore." I answered nonchalantly with a shrug. "But what significance does the Spardas have with you? Other than the fact that you sound like a fangirl, I mean."

It was not a secret that Mr. Audrey had wanted to be a demon hunter when he was younger, but that had been before he discovered that he was much more skilled at using his mouth as a weapon than raising actual weapons to go against demons.

"I've been trying to get them to agree to advertise for us. The demon-hunting industry is booming with potential businesses for us. You know the sheer amount of lawsuits from people trying to claim from demon hunters when they wreck places up. The laws protect the demon hunters, but it doesn't stop people from trying to claim. If we could get our firm's name into the industry, we would be looking at a great potential profit." The man answered with a grin, ever the business-mind. Other than being a damned good lawyer that I one day wished to be, Mr. Audrey was also quite a business man in the way he had managed to pull Audrey and Yessen Associates into limelight with his strategic case-takings.

"That's a great idea, but unfortunately, I don't have anything to do with them anymore. Dante probably just remembered me distantly and asked you about me." I answered shortly before my boss's hope could be raised even more. "Sorry to destroy your hopes, but perhaps you can meet him in court sometime again in the future. He likes to drink, so you can ask him out for a session and drop the question."

"Well, it was worth a try." Mr. Audrey deflated against the seat, watching as I turned the computer off and began packing up. "You have a date?"

"Yeah, with Nero." I answered. "He made a fuss saying I hadn't been having dinner with him recently, so I promised him burgers today. I can't say no to his puppy eyes, and he wasn't afraid to use them."

"That boy really knows how to use his weapons well. Are you sure his father was not some sort of policemen or martial artist or some stunt man who happens to be skilled at using all sorts of weapons?"

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