In Case Of Emergency, Break Glass Heart

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A/N: The Adventures of Chibi Vergil is still in editing, so I'll throw this out first :)

[In Case Of Emergency, Break Glass Heart]

Many things done would be generally be forgiven if the people of a group were obviously drunk, but it didn't mean that Vergil had to be happy about the ruckus that was currently being made in the bar by the small group of four girls who were clearly extremely drunk. Vergil hadn't really bothered about them –like how customers were indifferent about the presence of others –but that intention had been ruined when the girls' voices began to rise in volume, until they were shouting, screaming and crying at each other.

It was clearly a mess of four completely drunk girls communicating with each other in their inebriated language, and Vergil took another sip from his vodka, glad to taste the hint of mint to mellow the hard edge to the liquor. His eyes flitted briefly to look at the group of girls –ladies, actually –when they screamed in unison over something one of them had just said, and they began to bawl.

"Sorry about the noise." The bartender said in front of him, a look of pity hanging on his face. "Sara and her friends are usual customers and they are not always like that. But Sara's boyfriend of five years just cheated and dumped her, so the girls are having one night to blast all the sorrows away."

"Do you allow customers to make enough noise to disturb the sanity of others just because they are your regulars?" Vergil asked back lowly in reply, turning his icy blue eyes up at the bartender while he hid the lower half of his face behind the glass, taking another sip.

"Not usually. But Sara is a real nice girl, and I've seen how dedicated she is to her man. I'm willing to forgive them today, so if you can't stand it, I apologise but you should leave. There is no bad intention here, Vergil. Just pity for the poor girl enough to not make her day any worse than it already is."

The bartender had seen people of many different types in his bar the past ten years, but there was no one quite striking as the Sparda brothers that occasionally dropped by for a drink or two. The brothers might look alike, but the bartender had been forced to throw Dante Sparda out of the bar a few times because of his lady-hunting nature particularly after taking a few drinks. Vergil Sparda, on the other hand, always come in alone, took hard drinks by himself by the bar, seemingly to take his time to reflect on life, before paying and walking off –looking completely unaffected regardless of how many glasses and how strong the liquor consumed.

"Fine." Vergil threw the last of his vodka down, feeling the spicy burn in his throat. "It should be time I got back anyway. If Dante is not done by now, then the woman has to go."

The bartender knew that the only reason why Vergil would appear in the bar this late at night was because his twin brother was having fun with another woman in their apartment, and Vergil never liked to hear the sounds of his brother's night activities.

"I apologise once again." The bartender expressed, watching as Vergil threw a few stack of notes on the counter before sliding his butt off the chair. Instead of making for the door however, Vergil moved to the restroom to relieve himself before heading home, feeling more or less still rather sober. He had hoped to nurture a warmth inside him with help of liquor to accompany his walk home in the cold night, but it seemed like it wasn't happening.

Vergil was still in mid-stream when the door to the rest room slammed wide open. It was a rather awkward position to be caught in, as he turned to give the inconsiderate person a glare for his breech of common etiquette.

The person he ended up glaring at turned out to be a 'she', as the woman that the bartender had pointed out to him as Sara stood in the doorway with her eyes barely open. Rather, she wasn't standing, but leaning heavily against the door instead.

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