Twin Actors - Part One

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A/N: Playing on the premises that Devil May Cry was a TV Series instead of a game. In this alternate universe, the plot and name of characters of DMC TV Series were inspired and based around the 'actors', and these actors have moved on to acting other shows while keeping their personalities. 

[Twin Actors –Part One]

'Caught In The Middle'

Look forward to the latest romance-filled drama featuring the rising stars of the critically-acclaimed Devil May Cry TV Series that has been gripping our daily 9pm timeslots for the past few months! Set in the modern age, witness once again the brotherhood relationship between twin actors Vergil and Dante Sparda playing the roles as a Black and White Prince! The nation's favourite pair of twins will be coming to your TV screens early next year!

Plot synopsis: Loveless office lady Kitty (played by Angela Priss) had only just decided to enjoy the rest of her life without ever experiencing the affections of the opposite gender when she gets a visit from a childhood friend.

Zane (played by Vergil Sparda) had always been a polite and gentle young boy, and the grown-up version of him standing at Kitty's door, requesting to be put up temporarily while he finds a job to clear off his family's debts reminds her of how close the both of them had once been. Responsible, handsome and caring; it appears as if Zane has everything cut out for him... except money.

Lightning never strikes the same place twice; but the same cannot be said for the field of love Kitty stands upon: the director of her company is suddenly being replaced by the young heir of a multimillion-dollar conglomerate, King Randall (played by Dante Sparda)! Kitty accidentally attracts the attention of King, but as she gets closer to both new men in her lives, she begins to find that their relationship might be a little more than strangers. The same birthday on the same year, the same blood type, the same body shape and even similar birthmarks on their shoulders?

Caught in the middle; Kitty may find that giving her heart to Zane or King may be the hardest thing to do...


"Cut, good take!" The Director yelled, and both men relaxed from their positions, the tension in the air that had been created minutes ago disappearing in an instant. The serious expression on both men's faces faded away to relaxed smiles as they turned towards the crew who had begun to move around.

"That was some dangerous pronunciation there, Verge." Dante grinned as he clapped his brother on the back, absolutely no trace of the face of utter contempt and anger that had been drawn on his face just seconds ago. "I thought we were going to do another take because of your scary pronunciation of the word 'tenet'. I told you; it's probably a good idea to change the word to 'belief'."

"My character is a man who had to drop out of school to pay off his family's debt. I don't think he would have paid much attention to how 'tenet' is pronounced. Regardless, I pronounced it right and we did a good take." Vergil answered to his brother, removing his brother's arms from his shoulders. "You probably shouldn't dirty your suit, or our stylists might murder you. They threw some dirt and coloured liquids on my clothes, and I'm not sure if they are still wet enough to stain your clothes, but we shouldn't tempt fates."

"Oh. Thanks for the heads-up." The younger twin withdrew his arm almost immediately, taking a quick glance at the clock in the studio. "Anyway, seems like it's time for lunch. Shall we? I heard Angela bought everyone lunch today as thanks for helping her wrap up her scenes early."

"Maybe it's our turn to do the same soon." Vergil exchanged acknowledging nods with the Director who had stood up from his hunch over the camera to stretch while some of the crew members began to dismantle the props that had been used for their background. The crew definitely needed to clear some space in preparation for next scene that the two of them were to shoot after lunch. It would be their characters' first scuffle after Vergil's character Zane found out the truth of his parentage -that Zane had was an abandoned twin to Dante's character King.

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