Love Is Difficult For A Half Demon

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A/N: Back to a little bit of light-heartedness, back to life from Dante's point-of-view.

[Love Is Difficult For A Half Demon]

"I've told you a million times before, Dante. If you want to woo me, then change your lousy insensitive attitudes. I have had enough of guys like you flirting with your honeyed words, but none of you have ever shown your sincerity with your actions before." Diane, Dante's newest target expressed knowingly, her arms crossed.

Diane didn't ask to be born with beautiful features, and she definitely didn't ask to be chased by countless of guys who only wanted the pride and bragging rights of saying that they were dating her. After the many relationships that ended up with either Diane being dumped for not being the standard outgoing, boy-loving stereotypical beautiful woman, or her dumping her boyfriends after realising that they were only interested in her for bragging rights, she had learnt to ignore the sweet words and avoid the very obviously women-loving men.

And Dante had had the worst luck to fall in love with someone like Diane on first sight.

"How am I going to change if you don't give me an example of what I'm supposed to do?" Dante asked, chasing after the woman despite the fact that she had already turned and had been trying to walk away as if their conversation had reached a satisfying end.

"I don't know, but I'm not going to let you use that as an excuse for you to spend more time with me in the hopes of increasing your chances. Go find an example yourself, study him carefully and don't bother me until you are sure you have changed for the better." Diane answered, adamantly turning her head away from her chasing suitor. Dante had the face and body that many girls would want to have the bragging rights to be dating, but not Diane. Diane was fine with a guy not having any looks or charms, but what mattered most to her was that he needed to have a sensitive, sweet and soft heart.

Dante was the furthest away from that, and Diane could see it clear as day.

"For starters, if you want an example of what I meant by being a man sensitive to the needs of a woman, you should stop following me and stop bothering me." She said in a voice full of warning, and Dante –dense as he was to most of her words most times –finally got the hint as his footsteps stopped, allowing the woman to walk away from him and eventually away from his sights.

"What kind of an answer is that...?" Dante grumbled as he looked at the bouquet of roses that he still had in his hands. The least the woman could do was at least to accept the flowers that he had spent his pay to buy. If he knew that Diane would be so heartless, he would have just saved the money and spent it on pizzas instead. "Where am I going to find an example of a sensitive boyfriend? I'm not a girl."

Dejected and grumbling about his bad luck at not being able to get a feisty woman like Diane out of his mind, Dante left his bouquet of roses in the bin and trudged his way home, running through the list of men he knew in his mind. The list itself was short since he always had more female friends than male ones, and selecting those who were attached made it even shorter. Cutting away the ones who he knew changed girlfriends faster than changing clothes, Dante was annoyed to find himself with a list smaller than the number of fingers on one hand. None of those that remained were still in close contact with Dante, and the one with the highest chance of offering Dante a lesson was in a country all the way at the other side of the globe.

It was not an understatement to say that Dante was still in bad mood at his situation when the main door to his apartment opened, and he looked up (with a dark scowl) as his twin brother walked in.

"Which demon bit you in the ass?" Vergil asked at the sight of his scowling twin, removing his shoes and leaving them neatly at the side while still balancing the paper bag in his arms.

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