chapter 6

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Chapter 6
"your mom and I are going out tonight and you have to go to the warehouse get these drugs, trade off and come right back home" my dad told me strictly. All 3 of us were in the kitchen eating breakfast. "gotcha. What time?" I asked "11:20 pm" I nodded and let out an obnoxious burp "ew" mom said "mom. Anything that comes from this" I gestured to myself "is not ew" she shook her head "oh you're your fathers son alright" she chuckled "well im hot And I know it" my dad said "exactly" she looked between us both "I can't wait for bell" she muttered "she's gonna be just like us" I winked. "you're funny" mom said "she's gonna be humble" I chuckled "yeah right. We're Johnsons. Ain't no such thing as humble baby" dad added in "im humble... Sometimes" she smiled and stood up taking our plates. "wanna play madden?" I asked dad "sure. I'll win though" right "yeah okay dad" we walked to the game room and played for awhile before mom came in. "what is this?" she said on my dad. "madden" she mumbled a soft oh before falling asleep "did this girl just fall asleep?" shrugs. A few minutes later the game ended "told you I'd win. You're a loser" he threw a pillow at me and stood grabbing my mom. "im gonna bring her up while you reflect on your failure." he walked away.


After awhile My dad came back down dressed "wow you look snazzy" he winked "I know" my mom came down and she looked beautiful.. Per usual. I haven't seen her dressed in awhile. Good for her you do your thing mom! "can I went my moccasins or not. My feet hurt" dad shrugged "whatever you want" she smiled "well im ready then" he took her hand "11:30 roman" I made the okay signal with my hand "I know" my mom kissed my forehead "be safe" I nodded "got it" they left. Halle-fucking-luhja

"aye where is this meeting thing?" I decided to bring Nate with me to the drug count. "just downtown" the driver said "bitches ain't shit but hoes and trix" Nate sang er, Rapped "was Stella?" that's was his very affectionate fuck buddy, but Nate doesn't do commitments. "oh my gosh please don't remind me of her. Great fuck, but she was one clingy ass bitch. At least I have Alexis now" I rolled my eyes. I've had a few girlfriends and I've fucked plenty of girl.. Friends. Catchin my drift?
We made it to the dark wet ally and Nate and I got out of the car. There was another person waiting for us "money first" I said. I couldn't see the person clearly. "here" expecting a deep voice. It was actually very feminine. That's unusual. Females Dont really do this. She handed me the money but dropped a stack. Her pink painted nails were exposed and so was her dirty blond curly hair. She looked familiar. She stood back up and our eyes met. "hey I fucking know you!" I said. That my friends, was aliaha McCann. Her eyes widened as she tried to leave. We aren't supposed to trade with them "give me my fucking drugs back!" Nate and had to chase her "go left on venue I'll meet you" he nodded as we went our separate ways. "fuck" I whispered. A scream left her mouth "get off of me! " Nate got her "bring the car" I had a microphone in to tell the driver. "my parents are gonna kill you both!" aliaha snapped "yeah whatever" I said. Her parents can't do anything if they want our help. "we put her in the trunck and started driving again. I called my dad "hey dad where are you?" I heard her gasp "YOU'RE HIS SON?!" I Rolled my eyes "dude Im on the phone" pipe it down "what happened?" dad asked me "just meet me to the warehouse. Its a crazy story" he sighed "yeah totally cray cray" Nate added in "alright I'll be there in a hour" he hung up "this was interesting, right princess?" I turned around and winked
Got em

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