chapter 1

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Breaking news, this unknown gang has once again, broken our records. This is happened a bank has been robbed with almost half of the employees hung above it. Jerry has more with this heartbreaking tragedy" I cut the TV off smirking at my work. I've became the worlds
most wanted and also known as the worlds most vicious gang over the last 11 years.

I run a gang containing nearly 10 thousands people. I run this gang alongside Austin, Ben, James, and of course, roman.

Jordan Francesca.. Died November 20th 2:45 am.
Or so what everyone thinks.
She died but then fell into a come for about 3 months. She scared the shit out of me.

No one knows about her obviously except some of the people in my hand. I keep her as lowkey as possible. She's 6 pregnant
with our baby girl named Isabella gracelynn. Maria, godmother or "madrina" always like that name so jordan did it in her honor.

I walked through the door and jordan was sitting down doing... Your guess is better than mine "hey baby" she had on a face msdm. "where did Rojo Go?" that's our dog that seems to not be here right now. "Oo about that.. " I crossed my arms "I accidentally on purpose let him go for a walk.. By himself" I rolled my eyes and groaned "jordan what the hell?"
he was a guard dog. He was amazing I liked that thing. "I told you I didnt want one and he was so annoying! Always barking and whining. I couldn't take it anymore" he was literally here for about a month "whatever dude" she's gonna win the argument in the end anyways. "are you angry with me?" she asked. She looked so cute and innocent right now. I couldn't be "no baby, im not." she smiled "good" sigh. This women. "I'll be back" I traveled up the stairs and went to romans room "hey padre" he greeted "aye, we have a drug count in a hour so be ready" he nodded. I never wanted this for roman Nor did jordan. He continuously begged to join. I said yes but he's only allowed to deal with certain things, for instance he can't do any missions, but he can do drug counts and go to meetings. He also does training. I left his room and went back downstairs. The guys were here with everyone else.
Austin and teegan have no kids
Steph and James also have no kids
Ken and Zack have two ava whom is now 11 and connor
Tori and landon have to kids a well, Colton who is 18 and London who is 15.
Rileigh and ben have a son, Adrian whom is 3. He's our youngest.
Lina is our oldest. She's 20 now and has had it rough. Turns out tina was still doing drugs on the low. Things got bad quick, she was getting abused by her until we found out. We killed tina and I became the guardian for lina. Her and roman are close even though that's his aunt. They treat each other like their best friends. "why are you guys here?" I asked "because Jordan's cooking" Steph answered "I am?" she was eating chips. "uh yeah. Who else is gonna feed us?" tori asked "um your spouse" I chuckled "cmon momma jay.. We're starving up in here" Nate said. He's in my gang and one of romans closet friends "you guys are lucky im feeling nice today otherwise I would have threw a piece of bread and went to my room" she probably would have. Roman came down "hey we're actually gonna leave awhile later. Your mom is cooking and she'll be pissed if we leave now" last time we did that. It was not pretty. Let's just say I had to buy a new table. "weak. Do you remember last time?" roman laughed while going down the stairs "hey mom" he greeted "hey bubba" she kissed his forehead. "what are you making?" I asked her "pasta" we all continued talking and eventually the food was done. We ate and left. "Dont say anything roman. Just let me to the talking alright?" I told him "yeah yeah I know" we walked into one of my many warehouses. "uh sir.. I don't think you want to attend this meeting. I can tell you know it'll be a waste of time" josh came up to me. Anyways. "show me to the fucking room" he sighed and started walking. "in here" he opened the door I walked in and started cracking up. "this should be interesting"

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