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Chapter 48
"Hey kid" I came down stairs. Nate was the only one awake "why are you up?" I asked him "couldnt really sleep" i sat besides him "you?" He asked "not too tired" something was really bothering him. Nate isn't my kid, but I basically raised him. Momma knows "what's up" I asked him "just feeling kinda shitty. I realized today that I have a fucked up future planned for me. I feel pathetic" now it may seem as if nate is some egotistical asshole but he's actually very sweet and sensitive. A little shy too "don't say that. You are a very strong handsome boy who will hopefully have a bright future. I'm gonna get you guys out of this is promise." I assured him "momma jay. I really like del" he blurted out "she likes you to" a girl knows "no way" his face was turning red "yeah but she wants to believe that she doesn't. You just need to chill out a little. Slow down,  reintroduce yourself, get to know her, you know?" He stood up "sounds good. Thanks" he kissed my cheek "sure now go to sleep" he left.
Hmm so what are we gonna do tomorrow?
"I really need to pee" I said while we were eating breakfast outside "we didnt need to know that" teegan said "now you do" I took a sip of my orange juice "what are we doing today " Ava asked "go karting, then to this other beach house" I told her "when?" Del asked "after this" I told her "its hot" Steph said. Everyone looked at nate waiting for him to add in something about del "what?" He asked. I glanced towards del. A slight smirk was on her face. Nice job nate
As our meal went on, it quickly ended "hey jordan do my make up" teegan told me "alright"  all of the girls followed and we went to my huge bathroom "cameron get out" he took bell with him and left "im so hungry" tori said "we just ate" Steph said "leave me alone im on my period" she said "aha. I don't get my period anymore. Kinda sad though, I can't reproduce anymore pretty kids" I sighed dramatically "you mean any more cocky kids?" Kelsie said. I chuckled "true" 15 minutes later I finished her make up "when did you learn how to do makeup?" Mia asked "you learn how to do a lot of things when your locked in house for about 11 years" I glanced at her.
"Are we ready?" The boys came in our room "we haven't even started getting ready yet" Lina said "its been an hour" Grayson whined "im still really hungry" tori said. I went to grab my clothes which consists of a white tank and shorts with sandals. I went in the other bathroom then changed. I hope cameron got bell ready. I put on my shoes and went back to my room "isabella" I called her name and squatted down to her. "Daddy didn't get you ready?" I picked her up "yeah i did" yikes "uhh okay why is she not matching?" I asked him "yes she is" he said "baby, these are two different shades of pink, and her socks are orange. She doesn't even need to wear socks with sandals" shaking my head "what did you do to my baby?" Teegan asked "that's a shame" rileigh said. I put her in a dress and white Sandals. Don't know what cameron was on. I threw a headband on her and put her in her car seat "can you carry her. It's really heavy" I complained "sure" he grabbed her "kay guys cmon" i grabbed my keys, and water "its a long drive. We're going to the city" I made sure to say.
I'm driving with ava, teegan, steph,& dria, Fun drive! "Make sure my baby doesn't get hot" I told cameron. Every car was connected so we could talk to eachother "too late mom" roman said "shut up" everyone moaned. An hour and a half later we were there. "There's a lot of fine boys here" Kailynn looked around "true. Hey boys im available 24/7 " Lina said loudly "no you aren't" cameron said "yes I am" she whispered to a guy. We went inside the huge stadium thing. "Oh dang i didnt think all of this was gonna be Spanish" I muttered "hola cuántos boletos puedo conseguir para usted?" (How many tickets)The girl asked "oh un segundo" (one sec) "I said "are you all doing this?" They nodded "vientinueve entradas" (29 tickets) she took out the wrist bands and gave me the total. Lucky im rich. Shoo. I helped them put them on. I'm not doing it because I have to watch bell. "Have fun! Don't get kicked out" I told them "say bye bye"  I told bell. They went to do there thing and I took pictures. "I totally won that" arabella said "no you didnt! Could you even reach the fucking pedal?" Connor teased her "short just like her mom" mia said. I wonder where her mom even is. I just thought about that. "You missed out" tori told me "bell and I had a great time in the arcade actually" i sassed. She's asleep now. "Are we getting food?" Landon asked "hell yeah" I said "are we walking?" He asked again "hell nah" I said we piled into the car again and drove to some lunch place. "I gotta take this call baby. I'll be right back" cameron told me in my ear "okay what's do you wanna eat?" I asked him "whatever you order for me " he kissed me and left. I sighed. "My neck hurts" I commented "thank you jordan for this" everyone said "your welcome guys" our food came and cameron still wasn't here. It's been like 30 minutes. Feeling wary I couldn't eat. It's a shame cameron makes me feel this way. We've become so attached to eachother I can feel his feelings. He came back a few minutes later looking a little more stressed. He sat besides me again and I grabbed his hand "you wanna go?" I asked him "no its fine " he kissed my forehead and started eating. I still couldn't eat.

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