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Chapter 21
"welcome to mi casa" Del, lia and amy came in.  Lina, Connor,  and Nate were already here.  We went downstairs "is your mom here?" lia asked "yeah.  She's upstairs" I sat down "Let's have a water fight.  Its summer,  and it's hot outside. You guys have a pool too" Lina stood "we didn't bring any swimsuits" amy said "I got you guys.  Let's go" the girls went upstairs "do you guys know what this means?" Nate asked "it means im about to see dels fine ass in a swimsuit" I rolled my eyes "you're a pedophile" I said "like you won't be looking at lia's-" I gave him a sharp stared "no. I won't be" I shook my head "just saying" I can't wait for that moment when Nate grows uo and find himself a girlfriend. "Let's go get ready"
"damn it really is hot out here" del commented "I wonder why" Nate winked at her "keep dreamin kid" she walked away. Aliaha walked out.  Jesus,  she's beautiful.  I don't even feel like swimming" she muttered "then don't" I grabbed her hand guiding her to a chair "we can just talk then" she looked at me "oh wow look at you.  Didnt think this day was ever gonna come" I smiled "when is your birthday?" I asked her "April 14th,  yours?" she asked "August 1st" I told her "oh so it just passed.. Kinda" I nodded "you don't seem like a August boy... More like an october" I chuckled "how can you possibly seem like a month" she giggled "forget I said that" lia and I we're talking for awhile.  I learned a lot about her as did I notice a lot About her.  She scratches anything above her neck with one finger,  she smiled a LOT,  her right eyebrow lifts more than her left,  she's really quiet,  humble,  Taps her chin frequently,  and bits her lip when she can't think of anything to say.  "we're hungry now" Lina said grabbing a towel for everyone "okay" we walked in greeted by my dad whom was making a bottle "ew where are your clothes?" Lina asked him "I could ask you the same thing" my dad shot back "touche kid" I sat down "where's mom? Did she make some food or nah?" I asked my dad "upstairs and no.  Obviously" he said "well did you?" he looked at me "or nah" I said.  He went upstairs "hey, you guys should know how to cook" I told the girls "and why do you assume that?" Lina asked "because... " I trailed off "yeah that's what I thought" Lina said "guess we're all in this together" we all stood "hit the jams"

"what are you guys doing to my kitchen?" my mom came down stairs.  Its about fucking time.  We were In this kitchen struggling for about 4 hours.  "we're making dinner" I think.. "no you guys are making a mess" she said.  The boys and i are making cupcakes without a recipe and the girls are making spaghetti.  "what the heck is that!?" my mom looked at the spaghetti "its spaghetti" amy said laughing "Why is it brown?!" my mom looked disgusted.  They started laughing "you guys could have just asked me to make something.. " we all looked at my mom.  None of us said anything "you serious?" Nate asked after a moment "yeah" I dropped the spoon in the bowl "well then " somebody thought "just clean this up.  I'll remake this.  I don't know what the hell you guys are on". I tasted the cupcake better "OH MY GOD" I spit it out "WHY DOES IT TASTE SOUR?!" everyone was laughing "I thought we were supposed to put vinegar & lemon in it" my mom gasped and looked at Nate as if he was slow.  "mom taste this" she gave me the same look "why would I do that roman? " she asked "just -just go.  Get out" she waved us out.  "that was interesting"

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