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Chapter 52
You made a lot of cupcakes" roman noted "I know.  I was bored last night & couldnt sleep so I was just like whatever" He nodded "so I can take some to training right?" he slowly started picking up a tray "not too many.  No cavities roman" I stuck a finger towards him "fine.. 3 alright?" I thought about it "divided sure" he smiled "thanks.  I'll see you later" I really didnt want him to leave, & I didnt want cameron to leave either. I kissed his forehead "be safe baby.  I love you" he grabbed his keys "love you to mom" he left I picked up my phone and called teegan "jordan" she whined "what happened?" she sniffled through the phone "I don't know what to do. Austin is asking if I want to join the gang war or whatever and I keep on saying no.  He's getting so suspicious and nosey.  I'm constantly throwing up and my fucking head is about to explode.  I feel sick as hell" she complained "dude you need to tell him" I walked upstairs to bells Room sitting on a chair "I'm scared jordan" I sighed "he'll be excited. Tell him right now! Just brush it off,  say it quick.  Or draw him a fucking picture and tape it on his forehead I know he's asleep." she chuckled "he is.  I'll draw a picture for him." im such a nice person "send it to me when your done" I hung up And 15 minutes later I got a text.
"what.  Is. That" I muttered to myself staring at the horrendous image.  There are two stick figures one with a huge dick and then other with big tits then a plus sign of them doing doggy style on a bed with a equal sign of a baby.  I called teegan back "what the hell" she started cracking up "that's disgusting.  Man you never told me you did anal" cameron and I haven't "eh,  we wanted to the something new.  That won't be happening again sho" I shook my head "hey have you guys given each other head yet?" they probably have "girl duh" she said "man cameron and I just be really behind.  Is it like.. Scary?" we talk like this with each other all the time "at first its kinda awkward but then it feels great.  But vice versa is hella weird the first time I mean I almost bit it but we good though.  He enjoyed it" I can't see myself giving head to be honest.  "the most cameron and I have done was just touching.. If you know what I mean" I chuckled "hey atleast he isn't rushing you into anything" that's true "he's waking up!" she shirked "what are you doing?" I heard moving "going downstairs & calling steph" She said "well put it on speaker."  steph answered "hey loves" he said "hey boo" I said "I'm telling Austin today" steph gasp "holy fuck.  Bitch let me get my pop corn" right "I drew him a picture  I'll send it to you."
"TEEGAN BELL!" how cute he calls her by her middle name.  Cameron only Calls me Francesca when he's angry with me "tell me this is a joke?" this is interesting "I would if it was" she said. There was a silence "how long did you know?" He cleared her throat "about a month now" shittt.  I heard something smash "and you never said anything!" he yelled "I didnt know how to Austin i-" Something slammed "I'll be back later" I heard keys jiggling and a door being closed "guys" teegan said.  "aw teegan listen he never said he wasn't happy about i mean just give him space.  He'll be back eventually" she sniffled "I wanted him to go to my ultrasound" she started crying "hey hey chill just reschedule it for tomorrow.  We cant be crying up in here" I told her "okay.  Are we still coming over" she asked "duh.  I'm not about to be in this house alone" Sike ya mind make Ya booty shine.  "I'll see there soon jay" steph said "yeah same" I rolled my eyes "well I just know you guys are going on black people time.  Its 2:22 now I'll see you guys around 5:30 ish 6" tj smacked her lips "sounds about right" she said "laugh my ass off" steph said "I'll see you guys.  Bye" I hung up.

"is it good bella?" I'm feeding her some apple sauce. Looks like she likes it.  The doorbell rang and I felt my whole body go into shock.  Its not cameron,  its not roman,  its not the family so who could possibly be here. I'm not answering it.  Shit. The person started pounding on the door.  Starting to have a anxiety attack I grabbed bell and ran upstairs grabbing a gun as well.  "we'll be fine" I chanted to myself over and over until I heard the door being broken down. I locked as many bedroom doors as possible and then went to bells room locking and blocking her door with several things.  I've prepared a hiding spot already. bell has a very unnoticeable attack in the very back of her closet.  I put our bodies in there and prayed before I called cameron trying not to bust out in tears and pass out.  "someone is in our house cameron" I whispered "GOD DAMMIT" he yelled "baby girl be as quiet as possible. Give me 20 minutes alright.  I love you so much" a tear fell from my eyes "I love you to cameron" I hung up and cradled bell putting her pacifier in her mouth "I don't think she's here" a man said "haven't checked in here yet" a heard the knob start wiggling "haha most definitely in here Johnson" they started slamming things against the door while I gripped bell closer to me. "Oo i can smell her" someone inhaled deeply "come out wherever you are kitty." cameron i need you right now "she's good at this" another mumbled "but not good enough" the closet doors snapped open. My stomach dropped.  I kissed bells forehead And set her down I grabbed the gun turning its safety off making sure it had bullets "kitten I smell your sweet smell" he was walking closer. The door opened and I heard two gun shots "Jordan" cameron called out.  I quickly grabbed bell and hopped over the dead body leaving the closet "Jordan" he kissed bell and I. "are you okay?" he grabbed my face "yeah" I took in a breath closing my eyes leaning on his chest "get the bodies please" He kissed "okay.  Josh and Jeremy are here I'm gonna tell them to get it,  but in the mean time go in our room and go to sleep.  I'm gonna go get roman,  call everyone and they'll be leaving tomorrow night" I grabbed his hand "cameron please don't leave me" I almost get killed and he wants to leave me again.  "baby josh and Jeremy -" I cut him Off "cameron i don't care!  I want you to be here" bitch ass tears came out "okay,  okay Jordan. I'll stay here with you" that's what I thought.  We walked to our room and I laid bell down. Cameron wrapped his arms around me,  kissing my neck.  I closed my eyes for about 10 minutes,  not going to sleep.  I physically can't.  Cameron's body heat was removing from my body,  I grabbed his wrist "where are you going?" he stopped moving "to see if the bodies are gone" I let go of him And he left.. He literally left the house I heard his car.  I sat up. 
This mother fucker

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