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I sat in the hospital waiting room. The sounds of nurses talking, people's cries and prayers, the beeping of machines.

Dad sat next to me. Both of us waiting on any update of my mom and uncle, whom were involved in an accident. As explained to us, my uncle lost control of the car and had crashed into the tree.

We had also been told that if he survived and my mom passed, he could be put away for manslaughter. Unless, they found evidence of mechanical failure.

"Mr. Hayes?" A nurse called.

Dad placed a hand on my arm as he stood and went to talk to the nurse. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but my dad's reaction, it wasn't good. 

He began to slowly nod, rubbing his face. The nurse had a put a hand on his shoulder and gave a small smile before turning around.

He shook his before coming back over and sitting down.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your uncle just passed, and your mom isn't expected to survive the night." He answered quietly.

I nodded, "I'm gonna go see her."

"You sure? She's pretty bad," he questioned.

"Yeah." I muttered.

He sighed and nodded while I got up. I quietly made my way to her room only feet away.

As I entered, the doctor glared at me. "Are you family?" He asked.

I nodded slightly as I sat next to my mom. It hurt to see my mom lying there, unconscious and on the verge of dying.

I carefully took her hand, careful not to hurt her even more. Even if her body was almost completely crushed, couldn't breathe on her own and had road rash to every showing body part.

"Mom, as much as this hurts Dad and I, if you're ready to go, then you can. Don't worry about dad and I. I'll make sure he stays out of trouble. And when I make it big, I'll dedicate everything to you. Uncle James already passed. We all love you, mom." I whispered.

I hoped that she would say it back, but I knew the reality of it. My mom had maybe hours, minutes, or maybe seconds.

A few minutes passed before the machine flat-lined, signaling that her heart had stopped. Her doctor looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry about your mom. No young girl should have to see or deal with it." She stated.

I shrugged, "It was God's plan."

I laid my mom's hand down as I stood up. I walked out back to my dad, my now widowed dad. As I stepped towards him, his head was bowed in prayer.

"In your name, amen." He muttered. He sniffled as he looked up at me, "How is she?"

I shook my head, "She's gone."

He sighed as he stood up, tears falling as they did. I was guessing that he was going to see her one last time.

I sat down, bringing my feet up and texting Jamie, might as well update my best friend. As long as we didn't leave Georgia, I think I'll be okay,

But I might not, I just witnessed my mom dying in front of my eyes. She was like my best friend and rock, all wrapped in one. We kinda did everything together, even with Jamie.

~*~*~ A Week Later ~*~*~

Jamie stood at the front door, with her sister Morgan. I gave a weak smile as I answered the door. Morgan and Jamie immediately engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry." Morgan whispered.

I shrugged, "It's okay. I guess. I don't know."

"Hey, that's okay. You just lost your mom, Liv." Jamie muttered.

"I'm trying to not let it bother me too much. God needed her, and my dad needs me." I replied.

Morgan sighed, "You have to let your walls down sometime."

I nodded, "And I will at some point. It'll hit me in a few days I'm sure."


Such a short prologue, but the first chapter will be much longer than this. I am so estatic for this story. I have many plans for this, and I changed it up bit.

So vote and comment, and I'll try to have the first chapter up soon!


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