Twenty Three

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I stood in my doorway, three people in Joey's living room. Whom I didn't know. A woman, and two men.

The first man and the woman was older, maybe their forties or early fifties. The other was younger. Maybe a few years older than Joey.

"Um, Joey?" I spoke up, my voice quivering.

I wasn't exactly in the best condition to be meeting new people. I was wearing an Anthem Lights tank top and athletic shorts with my hair up in a bun. My bright blue cast sticking out.

Joey whipped around, meeting my eyes.

He nodded, "It's okay, Liv. It's just my parents and brother."

I just stood there. He gave me a reassuring smile, he knew I was nervous. I gave a small sigh and hobbled towards him.

I stayed behind Joey, like a shy child.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Liv, this is my mom and my dad," he stated, pointing to the older couple. Then he pointed to the younger man, "And my older brother, Donald. Guys, this is Olivia."

His mom smiled at me, "It's nice to meet you, sweetheart."

"I, uh, took her in after her dad died." Joey stated. I stayed behind Joey, not moving a muscle. Joey looked to me, "It's okay. They won't hurt you, darling."

I shook my head slightly, still being extremely nervous and shy.

His dad gave a small smile, "You can call me Herb, or pops. Whatever you like."

Joey continued to look at me. His expression was changing, a worried look on his face.

"Livie, you gonna be okay?" He asked. I nodded. He moved back a bit and stood next to me. He put his hand on my back, running it up and down reassuringly.


After changing, we ended up going out for lunch at some Itatlian restaurant. I just sat there quietly, picking at the pasta I ordered.

Joey's family just talked among themselves. They laughed and hushed themselves,  then grew louder.

"Are you from around here?" Donald asked suddenly.

I looked up as I realized that he was talking to me. I shook my head, "No. I used to live outside of Alanta, Georgia."

Donald smiled, "Well, trust me. I know what it's like moving from home to a different state. Joey & I moved from Ohio."

I nodded slightly. I looked down to my phone as it buzzed. I groaned inwardly. Another pathetic text from Joseph. He's been sending them since I returned to school.

"May I be excused real quick?" I asked.

"Sure," Joey answered, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah. It's Joseph." I muttered.

Joey nodded understandingly. Which I was thankful for.

I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my hoodie pocket. I stood up carefully, grabbing my crutches and hobbled out of the small restaurant.

Once outside, I stood against the building. Irritated, I dialed his number.

"Liv," Joseph greeted quietly.

"Stop apologizing," I stated.

"Then forgive me."

I sighed, "Honestly, I don't know if I can. You don't say you like someone, then go off with another girl."

"You were gone for three weeks, and didn't talk to me or anything." He spit.

"In my defense, I didn't talk to a lot people during those weeks. I only talked to the guys who took me in." I defended.

"Just because you're parentless, doesn't mean you get to push everyone away." He snapped.

That was a knife to the heart. I sighed and let my head rest against the brick wall.

"Joseph, I thought out of all people, you'd understand. I just need you to be there for me. I'm sorry. Bye." I whispered, my voice cracking.

I hung up, and wiped the tears that had fallen. I just feel so stupid crying over a guy. I really thought Joseph was different, I really did.

Once I was calm, I put my phone back into my hoodie pocket. I collected myself once again, just to be sure, then I went back inside.

"Is everything okay, darling?" Joey asked as I sat down.

"No." I shook my head, "I don't think Joseph and I are on speaking terms."

"I'm sure he'll come to his senses." Joey nodded.

"Who's Joseph?" Donald asked.

"A guy from school, that I like." I answered, "After my dad passed, I took a small break from school. I didn't really talk to people, and now he's with another girl."

Joey leaned over to his brother, "Apparently, he liked her."

Donald nodded, "Oh. I see the dilemma now."

I shrugged, "It's pathetic."

Jeannie, their mom, smiled, "Just wait for the right guy. God will give him to you."

Donald laughed, "In the words of Joey, hide your love away and wait for me." He smirked.

I gigged as Joey groaned. He whined, "Stop doing that, Donnie!"


You guys, I love putting puns and references in this book. Not to mention that I love writing this book.

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